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Example sentences for "egging"

Lexicographically close words:
egeneto; egg; egged; eggers; egges; eggnog; eggplant; eggs; eggshell; eggshells
  1. Kari, "in egging on thy sons, for they will be quite eager enough.

  2. Scarcely had she returned to Norway, when she resumed her baneful activity, egging her sons on to cruel and treacherous deeds, by which they forfeited the people's respect and undermined their own power.

  3. But the egging and out-of-season slaughter done by people, resident or not, who are in touch with the outside world, should be stopped absolutely.

  4. With the exception of the limited egging and shooting for the necessary food of the few residents--the whole district of Mekattina contained only 213 people at the last census--not an egg nor a bird should be touched at all.

  5. But this sort of egging is very limited, not enough to destroy the birds, and the necessity for it will become less frequent as other sources of supply become available.

  6. What about the Atlantic Labrador, where there are no laws, no wardens, many more fishermen, and ruthless competitive egging between the residents and visitors?

  7. But other egging still goes on unchecked.

  8. This might be no hindrance to the 'hegging on' propensities, but it certainly diminished the chances of the 'coming too.

  9. In Blackburn at the present day, pace egging commences on the Monday and finishes on the Thursday before the Easter-week.

  10. There is no particular tune, but various versions of pace-egging and other songs are sung.

  11. This old custom of pace-egging was again observed this year [?

  12. They may be browned in the oven, if preferred, in which case the egging is omitted, and a few pieces of butter are placed on top of the crumbs.

  13. The white of an egg alone may be used for egging them, but not the yolk alone.

  14. Beat the whites of the three eggs to a stiff froth, reserving some of the beaten white for egging croquettes, mix this in last, shape into croquettes and fry in hot oil or butter substitute.

  15. They kept egging her on to haul her husband before the court and to make a scandal.

  16. I did not notice, however, that there was anyone egging the crowd on and I don't want to accuse people falsely, though I did see and recognised at once in the crowd at the fire two or three of the rowdy lot I had seen in the refreshment-room.

  17. Egging himself on] For it is a scandal to come to a new place and immediately get into financial troubles which must result in a lot of annoyance to the relatives--particularly to the relatives.

  18. And that was the master who egged us on to hate each other, just as he is egging people on to love each other.

  19. I'm thinking one reason why he made so much noise about my being a coward was that he hoped to make the others forget they had met to overhaul him for egging poor Bobby on to his death.

  20. Uncooked fish and meat are better when covered with bread crumbs, to keep the crisp crust desired in frying food (see note on Egging and Crumbing under Culinary Hints, Page 12).

  21. They are always egging me on and egging me on; but only let public opinion once get tired of me, and they will throw me overboard without more ado!

  22. The egging season lasts, therefore, from the 10th or 20th of May until the last of July.

  23. In the egging season one or two are shot to supply oil to the lamps of the eggers; and occasionally one is caught for exhibition on the main-land.

  24. From fifteen to twenty men are employed during the egging season in collecting and shipping the eggs.

  25. Egging raw youths on to get in the know all the time drawing secret service pay from the castle.

  26. Half a score of pompous old muddlers with their fat wives egging them on: sons of the fools before them; talkers who have wormed themselves into power by making frothy speeches and fine promises.

  27. In one of those sad lapses from the higher Christian standards into which Satan was always egging her, she had pushed him; and he had tumbled head over heels into the horse-pond.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "egging" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.