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Example sentences for "encrypted"

Lexicographically close words:
encroaching; encroachment; encroachments; encrusted; encrusting; encryption; encuentra; encuentro; encumber; encumbered
  1. He then encrypted it and transmitted the result on a tight beam communicator to coordinates in space which he kept only in his head.

  2. Zip had begged him to send just a quick, encrypted message that Z25 was to expect three visitors who had Vly's seal of approval-no more.

  3. It was encrypted so we couldn't read it, but we didn't have to know what the message was to know where it went.

  4. On top of that, the message was encrypted and designed to travel on the microwaves similar to those in the background of space.

  5. On Ceres, Sim Sala Bim received the encrypted message on tight beam, and felt immense sadness come over him as he read it.

  6. I've been running over the encrypted video feed of the hit that your eyes sent me.

  7. It wasn't exactly a secret he kept from me that when I was on the job, my eyes sent an encrypted live broadcast straight to the office, hidden in the Mesh's entropy.

  8. There was no encrypted phone where he lived, so this had damned well better be brief.

  9. When Van de Vliet was at his office at the institute, they communicated by encrypted videophone.

  10. All he had were dates and encrypted names.

  11. It was the only part of the corporation's encrypted NIH file that seemed irregular.

  12. Since the salt characters were stored immediately before the encrypted password, he could easily see which salt was being used for a particular password.

  13. Salts were intended to make password cracking far more difficult, so a hacker couldn't just encrypt a dictionary once and then compare it to every list of encrypted passwords he came across in his hacking intrusions.

  14. It worked at breathtaking speed and a hacker using Deszip could crack encrypted passwords up to 25 times faster.

  15. The fewer words in a cracking dictionary, the less time it was likely to take a computer to break the encrypted passwords.

  16. That copy of Deszip had been encrypted with Crypt, a program based on the German Enigma machine used in World War II.

  17. I copied it out, including the encrypted portion.

  18. But this middle section: the part coded in regular letters--it's actually encrypted English.

  19. It had a lot of dicey talk about breaking into systems, including some bold and reckless stuff about a supposed "decryption service" that Mentor and friends were planning to run, to help crack encrypted passwords off of hacked systems.

  20. Urvile's game notes covered dozens of pages with all sorts of exotic lunacy, all about ninja raids on Libya and break-ins on encrypted Red Chinese supercomputers.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "encrypted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.