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Example sentences for "endways"

Lexicographically close words:
endured; endures; endureth; enduring; enduringly; endwise; endyte; ene; enema; enemas
  1. The rubber rings compress and make a joint, and the shoulders prevent the condenser tubes from working out endways from expansion and contraction.

  2. In the case of the face mills the pressure of the cut falls on both sides of the work, and the spring is mainly endways of the nut arbor; hence, it does not affect the depth of the cut nor the truth of the work.

  3. It follows then that when B is rotated X may be traversed endways in V, to open or close the steps Y according to the direction of rotation of B.

  4. The pieces C, C are wedges which slide endways to grip the work.

  5. At the end of the hub of D is a cap fast in D, the latter being held endways between the shoulder shown on O and the washer and nut T.

  6. When the gear-wheel R revolves, the connecting rod causes slide A to traverse to and fro endways in a guideway, provided on the top of the frame at X.

  7. This allows the boiler to expand and contract endways under variations of temperature without racking the brickwork.

  8. When shaft C is moved endways inwards its other annular clutch engages the clutch on that side of it, and the turning feed is put into operation.

  9. Two screws at N secure the dies in their cases and a screw M adjusts them endways so as to set them forward when recutting them.

  10. B is operated endways within A as follows.

  11. T grooves, so that the cutter may be adjusted endways on the head.

  12. It consists of a head revolved in a suitable machine, and having a hole passing endways through it.

  13. It is obvious that the action of an awl is that of wedging and tearing rather than of cutting, especially when it is operating endways of the grain.

  14. To remove the coupling the bolts are removed, and the sleeve being moved endways the cones open from their spring and relieve the grip upon the shaft.

  15. The lads crowd round, and place their fists endways the one on the other, till they form a high pile of hands.

  16. The loculi here also are set endways to the passage.

  17. Here, too, the graves run endways into the rock.

  18. Together they saw the market thicken, and in course of time thin away with the slow decline of the sun towards the upper end of town, its rays taking the street endways and enfilading the long thoroughfare from top to bottom.

  19. There--now I have got 'em all endways nicely!

  20. The change of expansion is effected by moving the roller on to the desired grade; which is done by slipping the lever carrying the roller endways on the shaft or pin sustaining it.

  21. A slovenly method of rolling up a hammock transversely, and lashing it endways by one clue.

  22. Stout pieces of plank put up endways under the skegg of the ship, to steady the after-part when in the act of being launched.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "endways" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.