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Example sentences for "expropriating"

Lexicographically close words:
exprime; expriment; exprimer; expropriate; expropriated; expropriation; expulsion; expulsions; expulsive; expunge
  1. The Government has the right of expropriating land for purposes of excavation.

  2. The State has the right of expropriating ground containing antiquities.

  3. But at the same time he thunders against the revolutionary tendencies of the proletarians who speak of expropriating the exploiter and of a communistic organisation of production.

  4. This running sketch, which is to be supplemented by the most specific details, gives a sufficient insight into the debasement and despoiling of the working class while the capitalists were using the Government as an expropriating machine.

  5. Roosevelt's denunciations in no way affected the steady expropriating process.

  6. We cannot imagine a proletarian government expropriating large private estates with agricultural production on a large scale, cutting them into pieces and selling them to small owners.

  7. Expropriating the Capitalists The first problem confronting a Socialist administration would be the method of getting possession of the instruments of production.

  8. He had considered himself a radical, because he believed in expropriating the expropriators; but these plans for overthrowing the conventions and disbanding the home--these left him aghast.

  9. Jimmie forgot all respect for persons when he got on this theme; this was his dream, this was the proletariat expropriating the expropriators, and he told about it with shining eyes.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "expropriating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.