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Example sentences for "exultations"

Lexicographically close words:
exult; exultance; exultant; exultantly; exultation; exulted; exulting; exultingly; exults; exuviae
  1. See in his next letter, a repeated account of the same artifices, and his exultations upon his inventions to impose upon the two such watchful ladies as Clarissa and Miss Howe.

  2. Battles in the far west were being fought, and mourning and bereavements swept as a terrible wave over the land, lighted up here and there with the exultations of victory; but beneath all the waters lay deep and turbid.

  3. On almost every breeze came the sounds of conflicts or victories, or defeats, or mournings and heart-breakings, which chimed harshly with the shouts of exultations and cheers of the conquering hosts.

  4. With the smoke of your fierce exultations Deform and destroy!

  5. Alp and torrent shall inherit Your significance of will, And the grandeur of your spirit Shall our broad savannahs fill; In our winds, your exultations shall be springing!

  6. Consider the exultations of her mother, the happiness of all.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exultations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.