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Example sentences for "falsly"

Lexicographically close words:
falsifying; falsing; falsis; falsities; falsity; falsnesse; falso; falsum; falsus; falt
  1. He is the best-bred-looking and handsomest little fellow I ever saw," was what Mr. Havisham thought.

  2. And now thou woldest falsly been aboute To love my lady, whom I love and serve, And ever shal, til that myn herte sterve.

  3. Of Clitemistra, for hir lecherye, That falsly made hir housbond for to dye, He redde it with ful good devocioun.

  4. Un-to his lemman Dalida he tolde That in his heres al his strengthe lay, And falsly to his fo-men she him solde.

  5. Also, they that withdrawen falsly the rightes that longen to holy chirche.

  6. John Lilburne before Mr. Prideaux the nicknamed, and falsly so called Atturney Generall, on Fryday, 14.

  7. We find it is a General Complaint in Professions and Trades, that the richest Members of them are chiefly encouraged, and this is falsly imputed to the Ill-nature of Mankind, who are ever bestowing their Favours on such as least want them.

  8. And thus we have shewed that the Presbyterial Government is not new to the Word of God, as some falsly object.

  9. We did not abet (as we are falsly accused) but abhor and detest, that horrid violence offered to the Parliament, upon that fatall Munday, July 6.

  10. It is by some objected, that Persons in Discontent may falsly accuse themselves.

  11. At Robrastoun Wallas was tresonabilly Thus falsly stowyn fra his gud chewalry.

  12. Thow sall ws se or nyne houris to morn, “Battaill to gyff, magre off all thi kyn; “For falsly thow sekis our rewme to wyn.

  13. For as a traitour he is from her go, And with her lafte his yonge children two, (290) And falsly hath betrayed her, allas!

  14. Ye men, that falsly sweren many an ooth That ye wol dye, if that your love be wrooth, Heer may ye seen of women whiche a trouthe!

  15. This man to yow may falsly been accused, +Ther as by right him oghte been excused.

  16. To moche trusted I, wel may I pleyne, 2525 Upon your linage and your faire tonge, And on your teres falsly out y-wronge.

  17. Here he speaketh not of spirites which falsly affirme themselues to be mens soules, but of those teachers whiche boaste of themselues that they haue the spirite of God.

  18. Whan he seyd so fumowsly, 'Who so ever sey that of me, he lyeth falsly in hise hede, &c.

  19. And Yelverton seid ye had take a distresse falsly and ontrewly of hym that ought yow no mony ner hem nowther.

  20. Who that ever seyth so, I sey he lyeth falsly in hise hede," &c.

  21. Further they required that they might cleare themselues openly of the offence of Treason, whereof falsly they were accused by Mustapha, his Enimies, and to haue their accuser to be brought forth in open presence.

  22. But before the Committee could make report to the House, the Parliament was adjourned, whereupon Apothecaries falsly gave out, and made people believe our Charter was taken from us.

  23. For men that shape hem other wey Falsly her ladies to bitray, 2690 It is no wonder though they be fat; With false othes hir loves they gat; For oft I see suche losengeours Fatter than abbatis or priours.

  24. The develles engins wolde me take, If I my [lorde] wolde forsake, 4550 Or Bialacoil falsly bitraye.

  25. Have not the people of this province, after all their humble supplications, been falsly charg'd with being "in a state of disobedience to all law and government?

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "falsly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.