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Example sentences for "femaleness"

Lexicographically close words:
felucca; feluccas; fem; femail; female; females; feme; femina; feminine; femininely
  1. Owing to the repulsion between the factors for femaleness and for pigment inhibition, it is impossible by any form of mating to make a hen which is homozygous for the inhibitor factor.

  2. It differs in that the factor which {113} repels femaleness produces no visible effect, and its presence or absence can only be determined by the introduction of a third factor, that for pigmentation.

  3. We will suppose that in dioica femaleness is dominant to maleness, and that the female is heterozygous for this additional factor.

  4. Femaleness is an additional character superposed upon a basis of maleness, and as we imagine that there is a separate factor for each the full constitutional formula for a female is FfMM, and for a male ffMM.

  5. She has bartered away for femaleness the possibility of ever receiving a double dose of this factor.

  6. If the queen is killed, or dies, the hive of bees proceeds to produce a new queen by means of feeding a selected larva with the "royal food" and thus developing full femaleness in it.

  7. This fact is held by the advocates of the nutrition theory to go toward establishing the fact that abundant nourishment of the embryo, during the neutral stage, tends to produce femaleness in it.

  8. Comparative Variability of the Sexes at Birth.

  9. Presumably extreme cases like the above are rare.

  10. Intersexuality and the Endocrine Aspect of Sex.

  11. Here, then, was inheritance definitely traced to the nucleus.

  12. One lives in 4 to 8% salt water, the other in 25% or over.

  13. Removal of the ovaries in women likewise produces an infantile condition, which is pronounced only in case the operation takes place very young.

  14. But different races are likely to have a different strength of chemical sex-doses, so that when they are crossed, the ratios of maleness to femaleness are upset.

  15. The dual basis for femaleness and maleness in each individual simply means that both factors are present, but that only one expresses itself fully.

  16. That a tendency or predisposition toward maleness or femaleness arises at the time of fertilization, depending upon which type of sperm unites with the uniform type of egg (in some species the sperm is uniform while the egg varies); 3.

  17. The grades of maleness and femaleness made it seem probable that the factor which determines sex must be stronger in some instances than in others, i.

  18. In the many books about women it is, naturally, their femaleness that has been studied and enlarged upon.

  19. This ultra littleness and ultra femaleness has been demanded and produced by our Androcentric Culture.

  20. It is nevertheless necessary very carefully to discriminate between innate qualities of femaleness and maleness and those differences that have been acquired as the direct result of peculiarities of environmental conditions.

  21. Focused in a single human being, this function, as we rise in history, slowly begins to be accompanied by those heaven-born psychical states which transform the femaleness of the older order into the Motherhood of the New.

  22. Without Maleness, Femaleness has no significance--no existence, in fact.

  23. Indeed she reacted bitterly against the femaleness that marriage forced on her and hated the essential maleness of her husband.

  24. Finally, the declining birth rate is still further evidence of her individualization and is in a sense her denial of mere femaleness and an affirmation of freedom.

  25. We need not regard maleness and femaleness as unit characters in heredity of the same kind as Mendelian characters of the soma.

  26. Why the ovary in normal circumstances only when in the gravid condition calls forth this perfection of femaleness is to be shown in a later publication.

  27. There is at the bottom of it, in truth, something unmistakably feminine; its appearance in a man is almost invariably accompanied by the other touch of femaleness that I have described.

  28. If this assumption is correct, maleness and femaleness are merely a repetition of the contrast existing between the animal and the plant.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "femaleness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.