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Example sentences for "ferocity"

Lexicographically close words:
ferny; fero; ferocious; ferociously; ferocities; ferois; feroit; ferons; ferox; feroz
  1. Quite naturally he attacked the police, and with such ferocity and penetration that as soon as copies of the Enterprise came from Virginia the City Hall began to boil and smoke and threaten trouble.

  2. Mary and Mr. Clacton argued with a cogency and a ferocity which made the little woman feel that something very important--she hardly knew what--was taking place.

  3. He set it down in a chair opposite him, and ate with a ferocity that was due partly to anger and partly to hunger.

  4. Florus relates that the ferocity of the Cimbri was mitigated by their feeding on bread and dressed meat, and drinking wine, in the softest tract of Italy.

  5. The Arii, fierce beyond the superiority of strength they possess over the other just enumerated people, improve their natural ferocity of aspect by artificial helps.

  6. And so it came, what with the ferocity of the banths and the numbers of the bowmen, that at last the Torquasians fell back, until presently the platform upon which stood Carthoris and Thuvia lay directly in the centre of the fight.

  7. As they came close above the stricken ship, they could see that it would be but a question of minutes before the green horde would swarm across the armoured bulwarks to glut the ferocity of their bloodlust upon the defenders.

  8. This ferocity was repeated when Margaret and her northern host beat Warwick at the second battle of St Albans (Feb.

  9. At the same time that I had this hoary old tarantula, I had another smaller, coal-black fellow who went into a perfect ecstasy of anger and ferocity every time any one came near him.

  10. Do you have any wasp in your neighborhood of the ferocity and strength and size of Pepsis?

  11. I know the prevalent opinion in some portions of Europe--in Germany, for instance, of the ferocity of wolves.

  12. A gleam of deadly ferocity passed over the face of Deersfoot for a moment, and his wild, dark eyes shot forth glances of hatred--but in an instant he recovered his composure.

  13. A gleam of ferocity passed across the swarthy face of Panther.

  14. For perhaps a quarter of a minute he kept the tube steadily pointed toward us; then with a gesture of mad ferocity he dashed the instrument to the deck, and, seizing his speaking-trumpet, placed it to his lips.

  15. There was a sudden ferocity in his voice that startled Henry.

  16. The chief result of this civility, conjoined with the ferocity of his political statements, was that his English friends invariably spoke of him as "a typical Irishman.

  17. We have diminished the ferocity of the carnivora in men; we have still further to diminish it without impairing courage.

  18. Ferocity has been tempered; lust has been reduced to subjection; in the place of the one we now see courage; in the place of the other chastity; craft is growing into wisdom; fear into reverence.

  19. The fierce carnivore, on the contrary, is prevented by his natural ferocity from herding.

  20. Practically all herbivora herd more or less permanently, the permanence of the herd depending apparently upon the mildness or the ferocity of the sexual instinct.

  21. He saw that neither threats nor pleas would avail him and so he prepared to fight as a cornered rat fights for its life with all the maniacal rage, cunning, and ferocity that the first law of nature imparts to many beasts.

  22. But Zu-tag's ferocity was tempered by a certain native cunning and caution.

  23. Astonishing the ferocity of the sun, when he really took upon himself to blaze.

  24. They lack the ferocity of the Aztec character, and when they are slaughtered by the white men, the tale is far more pitiful than stirring.

  25. The Yahgan's deliberate ferocity--ferocity that was exercised with a purpose--was the sufficient protection of the Yahgan maidens.

  26. The sailors, even the sealing sailors, kept well clear of the Yahgans so long as this ferocity lasted.

  27. Keep in mind that "the very ferocity of the natives of Tierra del Fuego protected them.

  28. The ferocity of the Yahgans in their native state protected them from the devilish evils left in the wake of sailors who visit aborigines in any part of the world.

  29. August 1725 produced a conflict for the entertainment of the visitors of Mr. Figg's amphitheatre, Oxford-road, which is characteristic of savage ferocity indeed.

  30. Ferocity now darts From either eye her broad unmeaning stare; In Bajazet he raves, and low'ring bids Defiance.

  31. It was light enough to enable her to note that her question recalled the ferocity to his deep-sunk eyes, though not for her.

  32. Intuitively she recoiled further still when she saw the ferocity in the haggard eyes.

  33. The ferocity of the Jacobins was in a slight degree redeemed by their fanaticism.

  34. Wallace against the same monarch; the glorious establishment of Scottish independence by Robert Bruce; the savage ferocity and heart-rending tragedies of the wars of the Roses; the martyr-like death of Charles I.

  35. But the most formidable among the tribes of these regions is the Polar bear, whose ferocity and courage render him an object of terror even to the well armed European.

  36. To this ferocity there is joined not one of the rude, unfashioned virtues, which accompany the vices, where the whole are left to grow up together in the rankness of uncultivated nature.

  37. For this purpose the active part of them is disciplined into a ferocity which has no parallel.

  38. What ferocity of character drew on the fate of Elizabeth, the sister of King Louis the Sixteenth?

  39. That great genius eyed human nature with the ferocity of an enraged savage.

  40. His temper had become brutal, and he had gradually contracted a ferocity and grossness in his manners, which seem by no means to have been indicated in his purer days.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ferocity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.