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Example sentences for "filarial"

Lexicographically close words:
filamentary; filamentous; filaments; filar; filariae; filbert; filberts; filch; filched; filching
  1. Manson deals with the phenomenon known as "filarial periodicity," and with the fate of embryo parasites not removed from the blood.

  2. This interference with the lymphatic circulation brings about the anomalous condition of a patient with a serious filarial disease with fewer of the filarial parasites in his blood than one who is not so seriously affected.

  3. Among other things he discusses the relation of mosquitoes to filarial diseases.

  4. Filarial Periodicity and Its Association with Eosinophilia.

  5. If a preparation be made during the day time there may be no evidence whatever of filarial infestation, whereas a preparation from the same patient taken late in the evening or during the night may be literally swarming with the parasites.

  6. These deformities (elephantiasis, Barbadoes leg), which may attain colossal size, are due to the blocking of the lymphatic vessels with filarial worms.

  7. The only difference in the history of the two forms of the disease lies in the fact that the non-filarial form progresses steadily, until either the underlying condition is cured, or in the case of cancer, &c.

  8. Filarial disease in the lymphatics of the groin appears as a soft, doughy swelling, varying in size from a walnut to a cocoa-nut; it may partly disappear on pressure and when the patient lies down.

  9. To these should be added elephantiasis (filarial disease), concerning which Surgeon-Major J.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "filarial" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.