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Example sentences for "fiting"

Lexicographically close words:
fite; fitful; fitfully; fitfulness; fitin; fitly; fitness; fitnesses; fits; fitt
  1. Lubbin Smith and Geen Titcum got fiting at resess today and the bell rung before eether had licked.

  2. Beany he had the last hand on the bat and he cood jest get hold of it a little and when he swung it round his head it sliped and hit Ticky on his head, and he piched into Beany and jest as they was fiting good the bell rang.

  3. Maple street we saw 2 roosters fiting in Dany Wingates yard, and we stoped to see it.

  4. I am anxious to do something all the time, very little though it may be, to help in some way the men{127} who air fiting the awful battles for me, and for every man and woman in the country.

  5. How good you may be I doant know, but you air sertingly a much better man than you would be if you was not fiting for the Union.

  6. Ide like to have worn my Countrys blu In the calvery riding or holding the tiller With Fiting joe at San Wan Hill or with Dewey at Manilla.

  7. And the old man says: "Ive been in slews of battels and ime toting in my shin A bullit from a johnny-rebils killer, But I am hail and harty and i wish that I had been With Fiting joe at San Wan Hill or Dewey at manilla.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fiting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.