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Example sentences for "flagrante"

Lexicographically close words:
flagmen; flagon; flagons; flagpole; flagrant; flagrantly; flags; flagship; flagships; flagstaff
  1. Though capital punishment might not be inflicted on the offender, a very sound spanking would very probably be the result of a native being caught flagrante delicto during a nocturnal peregrination.

  2. The assessor of the governor, as was his duty, entered the house of the secretary of the tribunal, flagrante delicto, for a most treacherous murder attributed to him.

  3. Nor is he jealous now; but you must know that there is an English law which allows the husband to arrest his wife and her lover if he finds them in 'flagrante delicto'.

  4. But the door quickly gave way before our overtures, and we caught the magistrate flagrante delicto.

  5. When obliged to punish a boy caught "flagrante delicto," he invariably looked out for some way to make it up to him later.

  6. Among many peoples who in other cases prohibit self-redress, an adulterer and an adulteress may be put to death by the aggrieved husband, especially if they be caught flagrante delicto.

  7. So the Duchess of Lincoln, like a watchful dragon, would catch the fair miscreant in flagrante delicto, eh?

  8. You have caught me in flagrante delicti.

  9. You will not fail, with a little pains, to surprise the gay Lothario in flagrante delicti.

  10. If the husband slay either the man or the woman taken in flagrante delicto, he must do so on the instant; "though it is also allowable for the husband to kill the adulterer outside the house, if it be in chase.

  11. For that offense the aggrieved husband may kill the offending wife and her paramour, if he catch them in flagrante delicto.

  12. Without the permission of the Censor Yuan, no Member of the Censor Yuan may be arrested or detained except when apprehended in flagrante delicto.

  13. Without the permission of the People's Congress, no delegate shall be arrested or detained during the session except when apprehended in flagrante delicto.

  14. Without the permission of the Legislative Yuan, no member may be arrested or detained except when apprehended in flagrante delicto.

  15. He will only be caught flagrante delicto.

  16. Now it would certainly ease my mind to do it if I caught him, flagrante delicto, flagrante delicto.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flagrante" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.