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Example sentences for "forgoe"

Lexicographically close words:
forgivest; forgiveth; forgiving; forgivingly; forgo; forgoing; forgone; forgot; forgott; forgotten
  1. Which she denies: Nights mirkie noone In Venus' playes Makes bold, shee sayes; Forgoe me now, come to mee soone.

  2. Wherto shee sayes, Forgoe me now, come to me soone.

  3. Though ne'er soe faire Her speeches were, Forgoe me now, come to me soone.

  4. Whose loyall loue and presence to forgoe Doth gall me more than all my other woe.

  5. It will; but him so much the more That, having liv'd to his pleasure, shall forgoe So delicate a life.

  6. But to proceed: exiled thus by spight, Both country I forgoe and brothers sight, And comming hither, where I thought to live, Yet here I cannot but lament and greeve.

  7. Being assured that if she knewe howe contrary to my promise I haue enterprised this foolishe fact, I should vtterly forgoe the honest and common conuersation whiche I haue with her aboue al other.

  8. Which when the Countie of Pancalier vnderstoode, he toke his leaue of her, ashamed of that he had done.

  9. You perswade me to giue my welbeloued wife to another man, and to forgoe her whom I moste feruently doe loue, and in lackinge her, my life also must faile.

  10. The prince is amiable, and loues her well; If she neglect him and forgoe his loue, She both will wrong her owne estate and ours.

  11. Then he should live and I forgoe the land.

  12. My wife, though loath indeed to part with him, Yet for his good, she will forgoe her joy, With hope in time to have more firme delights, Which she expects from young Pertillos life.

  13. Oh thinke vpon the Conquest of my Father, My tender yeares, and let vs not forgoe That for a trifle, that was bought with blood.

  14. I am right glad, that he's so out of hope: Doe not for one repulse forgoe the purpose That you resolu'd t' effect Seb.

  15. Bethinke you father, for the difference Is purchase of a heauy curse from Rome, Or the light losse of England, for a friend: Forgoe the easier Bla.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "forgoe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.