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Example sentences for "germe"

Lexicographically close words:
germander; germane; germanische; germanischen; germanium; germen; germicidal; germicide; germicides; germinal
  1. Life seemed to have become a burthen to her, and all her pleasures to have been buried in the grave which contained the germe of her progeny[683]!

  2. Commonly the eggs laid by one female are all of the same size; but in several tribes, those containing the germe of the female are larger than those that are to give birth to a male.

  3. In proportion as the germe included in the egg is expanded, it becomes visible through the shell when transparent: this is particularly the case with spiders, in which, as was before observed, every part is very distinctly seen.

  4. Often, in the superstition of one age, lies the germe that ripens into the inquiry of the next.

  5. Proceeding onward, we find that in this aristocracy, are preserved the seeds of liberty and the germe of republicanism.

  6. And the germe of the great lyrical poetry that we now possess was, in the rude chants of the warlike Dorians, to that Apollo who was no less the Inspirer than the Protector.

  7. The germe of aristocracy was never planted in that part of the Union.

  8. The readers of this book will find the germe of all that is to follow in the present chapter, and the key to almost the whole work.

  9. In the laws of Connecticut, as well as in those of New England, we find the germe and gradual development of that township independence, which is the life and mainspring of American liberty at the present day.

  10. He is then studied for the first time, and it is imagined that the germe of the vices and the virtues of his maturer years is then formed.

  11. The band, which to his eyes was a mere party of adventurers, gone forth to seek their fortune beyond the seas, appears to the reader as the germe of a great nation wafted by Providence to a predestined shore.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "germe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.