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Example sentences for "glassless"

Lexicographically close words:
glassfuls; glasshouse; glassie; glassily; glassite; glasslike; glassware; glassy; glauben; glaubt
  1. Through their glassless windows great white punkahs swing back and forth with a ceaseless regularity.

  2. The wind whistled and roared about the great verandas and into the glassless windows with all the vehemence of a New England snowstorm.

  3. But the foreman held them back till the fumes had had time to clear out of the stone narrow passages and to dissipate themselves through the glassless windows.

  4. The General pointed upwards to where a pale yellow gleam on the wall showed through a range of open and glassless but triply barred windows.

  5. Again there was that horrid silence, broken only by the tramp of the sentinel outside the glassless windows.

  6. The bugler kindly blew a blast into our glassless window which left no doubt about it.

  7. He paid his two baht to the lady in the glassless window and went into the public bathroom.

  8. He watched the frothy mist from the motion of the boat arise to the window-sized glassless hole that was beside him.

  9. Gray cabins sat every-which-way in the clearing, heavy shutters swinging at their glassless windows.

  10. In the light of the kitchen fire, which shone through the open door and the glassless windows, Paul saw his father in his favorite place, seated in a chair under an apple-tree at the side of the house.

  11. The wooden shutters to the tiny, glassless windows had gone the same way, along with several boards of the flooring.

  12. And Uncle Sam's green-besprinkled,[3] glassless eye seemed to be leering with a kind of sophisticated look at the passing machine.

  13. Then he adjusted the position of the handle-bar more to his liking and as he did so the poor, dented, glassless searchlight bobbed over sideways as if to look at the middle of the street.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "glassless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.