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Example sentences for "goura"

Lexicographically close words:
gouged; gouges; gouging; goulash; goun; gourd; gourdful; gourds; gourmand; gourmands
  1. They were brought from the island of Jobie, which may be its native country, as it certainly is of the rarer species of crown pigeon (Goura steursii), one of which was brought alive and sold on board.

  2. Secondly, I was told that the Pokau people, whose dance is practically the same as that of the Mekeo people, themselves say that their dancing is an imitation of that of the goura pigeon.

  3. The dancing movements of the goura pigeons are a gentle slow shuffle, and are accompanied by a slow bowing or nodding of the head.

  4. Illustration: Crowned Pigeon That Furnishes the Goura of the Feather Trade] Women's Love for Feathers.

  5. The Goura pigeon resembles the Nicobar pigeon in habits; and I think it probable that its gizzard will be found to present a similar structure and mechanism for cracking nuts and hard seeds.

  6. Chalmers and Gill, that inside the gizzard of each Goura pigeon there is a good-sized pebble much prized by the natives as a charm against spear-thrusts and club blows.

  7. Goura coronata and VictoriƦ, hybrids of, i.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "goura" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.