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Example sentences for "gourds"

Lexicographically close words:
goulash; goun; goura; gourd; gourdful; gourmand; gourmands; gourmet; gourmets; gous
  1. And thus they were used to play merrily all day long; beheading the gourds of claret by one slicing blow with their sickle-shaped scepters.

  2. Before them, were many gourds of wine; and crosswise, staked in the sod, their own royal spears.

  3. They drank freely from gourds and pannikins of a fermented drink made from mandioc which were brought out to them.

  4. The big gourds for water, and the wicker baskets, are placed on the ground, or hung on the poles.

  5. Gourds and calabashes, the, used in Dahoman and Mandan festivals, 257.

  6. The gourds are only serviceable for cups and ladles manufactured from their shells.

  7. Gourds with exceedingly strong shells not only grow wild, which if divided in halves afford bowls, but great and quaint varieties form natural bottles of all sizes, from the tiny phial to the demijohn containing five gallons.

  8. His courtyard was cemented and clean, about a hundred feet in diameter, surrounded by palisades, which were overgrown with gourds and the climbing yam, Collolollo.

  9. Two species of gourds are known in Chili.

  10. The shells of some vegetable productions, as those of gourds and the larger kinds of nuts, would readily occur to the mind as adapted to this purpose.

  11. To grow the vine for the sake of its gourds is where the chief interest lies, however, and to do this well it should not be trained on a trellis, but allowed to trail over the ground.

  12. It seems to induce a more perfect neck to stand the gourds up when half grown so that they rest on their big ends.

  13. Pipes made from the imported gourds are expensive, American dealers usually charging $3 to $12 apiece for them.

  14. Frost will injure the gourds if they are left on the vines too long.

  15. Calabash pipes made from imported South African gourds have been the fashion in England for some time and are now coming into vogue in America.

  16. The gourds should be left as long as possible on the vines to thoroughly thicken their shells.

  17. Load the spare chambers of your carbines, and see that your water-gourds are full.

  18. Empty one of the water-gourds upon his face and head.

  19. The filled gourds they carry to their village of grass huts and there they build their smoky fires of oily palm nuts.

  20. Over the route they return later with large gourds in which they collect the fluid from the clay cups.

  21. Wilkins undertook to procure water for them from a pool at a little distance, where Jack and he rested, and where they had cleaned out two large gourds they had found, and converted them into water-bottles.

  22. We filled our gourds up to the necks with water and corked them tightly, then lay down in the shade to gain strength for our next stage.

  23. I asserted, too, that the tepid water in our gourds surpassed in flavor the product of the coolest spring, and that the acid timbirichi was the best of fruits.

  24. It was no use thinking about washing ourselves; the contents of our gourds were too precious; and besides, there would not have been water sufficient.

  25. After utilizing our halt by filling our gourds and killing an armadillo, we hurried to get away from a spot where the air seemed poisoned with pestilential miasma.

  26. Here are three gourds full of water close to your hand, and by reaching over you can fill them as often as you like.

  27. Jacopo had drunk several gourds full of water during the day, but by evening he became delirious from fury and the fever of his wounds; Stephen therefore undid all his fastenings save those round his ankles, and took up his post near him.

  28. Vespasian besieging Jerusalem and a mule passing with gourds awaken the same interest.

  29. Many kinds of gourds are grown by the Mayans.

  30. The Spanish name for these drinking-gourds is jicaras, the Mayans calling them luts.

  31. From the base Bakahenzie took two large gourds and gave them into the keeping of Kingata Mata.

  32. Women bearing gourds of water upon their heads passed in single file, their loins swaying rhythmically.

  33. He made up his mind that he would send one of these gourds to the Sultan as a present.

  34. The astonished neighbours came in crowds to gaze at them, and the promoted ex-boyar swore a hundred times that such gourds as these the Turkish Sultan himself had not seen all his life long.

  35. It is piled with gourds and pumpkins, cabbages and tomatoes, pomegranates and pears--a pyramid of gold and green and scarlet.

  36. A hundred times have I crossed it alone, with only a few gourds tied to my back; but my lord is precious, and we have made every preparation.

  37. At the foot was a small portion of green sward, on which some persons were resting, with a bed smaller than that the Khan had been carried upon, with, as it seemed, piles of dry gourds tied to its legs and sides.

  38. Then the bodies were sent rolling down the staircase, clattering and turning over and over like gourds as they bumped from step to step till they reached the bottom.

  39. They all sally out in the evenings, the boys armed with nettles or thistles and the girls with gourds containing a filthy solution of all sorts of abominations.

  40. We then sat down before the appetizing meal prepared for us, our gourds coming for the first time into use, and having done it full justice, produced the cocoanuts by way of dessert.

  41. Many had the gourds and cocoanut shells lumbering and clattering about with them, their paws having been caught when they sought to obtain the rice or fruit we had put for bait.

  42. There to our joy we found that all the plants were flourishing, and crops of gourds and pumpkins, in all stages of ripeness, covered the ground.

  43. As I spoke, I filled the gourds with sand, and left them to dry; marking the spot that we might return for them on our way back.

  44. Of the gourds great use is made in domestic arrangements; they are cut in two and the pulp is scooped out, then the rind is dried and these rude vessels serve almost every purpose of earthenware—water is carried in them, &c.

  45. Most of the better sort of cottages contain a table, but the usual practice is for the family to squat down upon a mat in a circle, with the bowls, dishes, or gourds in the centre, thus to eat their meals upon the floor.

  46. A natchi used later by another society consisted of a cap-shaped object of basketry, to which were attached two small whitened gourds in imitation of horns.

  47. Water from gourds on the roof is also put in.

  48. We did full justice to the appetizing meal prepared for us, our gourds coming for the first time into use, and having done it full justice, I produced the cocoanuts by way of dessert.

  49. Are the bottle-shaped gourds I have seen in Europe trained similarly?

  50. Boil and carefully squeeze them to extract the water, then put the gourds into a saucepan with vinegar and gravy; when it begins to simmer, thicken with fine flour, sprinkle lightly with pepper, and serve.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gourds" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.