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Example sentences for "great trees"

  • Houses with gaping chasms in their sides, others mere heaps of black ruins; great trees felled, cabins demolished, and here and there the sidewalk ploughed across from curb to fence.

  • These buildings at Highlawns, framed by great trees, were old-fashioned and picturesque, surrounding three sides of a court, with a yellow brick wall on the fourth.

  • He seized me and flung me under the cabin's lee, and then above the fearful note of the storm came cracklings like gunshots of great trees snapping at their trunk.

  • Prone upon the ground, like naked giants, gleamed white and monstrous the peeled bodies of great trees.

  • Among this growth Bob made out the ancient stumps of great trees.

  • Great trees fall, new trees grow up, brush clothes an erstwhile bare hillside, fire denudes a slope, even the rocks and boulders shift their places under the coercion of frost or avalanche.

  • Next vnto this or rather equall with these plants, are suckers growing out of the roots of great trees, which cherries and plums do seldome or neuer want: and being taken kindly with their roots, will make very good sets.

  • Can there be deuised any way by nature, or art, sooner or soundlier to seeke out, and take away the heart and strength of earth, then by great trees?

  • Great trees crowned it; trailers of grape and clematis made the span one emerald; below, through the vast opening, shone the evening sky with little, rosy clouds floating across it.

  • After another hour we suddenly burst from the scrub to a strip of green grass beyond which were the great trees, the palms, and the festooned vines of a watercourse.

  • The white population have built in the wooded hills some charming bungalows surrounded by bright flowers or lost amid the trunks of great trees.

  • We made a most delightful camp at the edge of great trees by the stream.

  • They do not grow wild, they are only in their Towns, and there like unto Woods, without any inclosures to distinguish one mans Trees from anothers; but by marks of great Trees, Hummacks or Rocks each man knows his own.

  • They are now grown over with great Trees, and so seem natural Hills.

  • These make their nests upon the Boughs of great Trees, bringing the Leaves together in clusters, it may be as big as a mans head; in which they lay their Eggs and breed.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "great trees" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    dead child; great applause; great army; great attention; great business; great concern; great criminal; great deeds; great dinner; great fame; great happiness; great heights; great improvement; great iron; great longing; great lord; great mind; great multitude; great party; great profusion; great quantitie; great shame; great ship; great society; greater than; greater things