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Example sentences for "griddles"

Lexicographically close words:
greyness; greys; greywacke; grid; griddle; griding; gridiron; gridironed; gridirons; grids
  1. They stood thick around the stove warming themselves and taking off its griddles and opening its doors and surveying it inside and out with much curiosity.

  2. What a joy it was to me with its damper and griddles and high oven and the shiny edge on its hearth!

  3. Aluminum griddles do not require any grease.

  4. Flapjack stood, red faced and eager, over the bed of live coals and handled the two griddles in an expert manner.

  5. Min made a great "crock" of batter and greased the griddles for him.

  6. When the time came to turn them, Flapjack Peters performed this delicate operation by tossing them into the air, and with such a sleight of hand that the flapjacks exchanged griddles in their "turnover".

  7. I kin do camp cookin' as good as pop; only I don't use two griddles at a time same's he does.

  8. Temperance Crandall whisked off shawl and bonnet, donned an apron, clattered the griddles and stoked the fire preparatory to getting supper.

  9. But she made some of her "griddles trimmed with lace," as only Barbara's griddles were trimmed; the brown lightness running out at the edges into crisp filigree.

  10. Begin on those, and I'll fry like lightning on two griddles to keep up with you,' and she rushed to the brush kitchen to turn her next instalments that had been left to brown.

  11. Steel and iron griddles must be greased before cakes are baked on them so as to prevent the cakes from sticking; for this reason they are less convenient than soapstone and aluminum griddles, which do not require any grease.

  12. These griddles are so suspended in a frame that they may be turned completely over in order to allow each side to be exposed to the heat.

  13. None of these utensils are likely to present any difficulty in their use except griddles and waffle irons, so in order that these may be thoroughly understood and good results thereby obtained, explanations of them are here given.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "griddles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.