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Example sentences for "gumma"

Lexicographically close words:
gulping; gulps; guls; gum; gumbo; gummata; gummatous; gummed; gummi; gumming
  1. Gumma (in third stage of Syphilis) appear as a round, yellow, cheesy mass, usually beginning in the membranes and are usually seen between thirty and fifty.

  2. The chances are better when the disease forms gumma (tumors) than when the blood vessels are diseased.

  3. Footnote 191: Klebs discovered a gumma in the pancreas of a six-months' foetus.

  4. In this case there was certainly organic disease, probably a gumma on the surface of the right hemisphere.

  5. Thus results a small fibrous tumor, in which a gumma may ultimately develop.

  6. Paralysis due to gumma or other cerebral tumor is much slower in its course.

  7. Gumma can develop almost anywhere, and where it does, there is a loss of tissue that can be replaced only by a scar.

  8. The syphilitic process at the edge of the gumma shuts off the blood supply and the tissue dies, as a finger would if a tight band were wound around it, cutting off the blood supply.

  9. In this way gummas can eat holes in bone, or leave ulcerating sores in the skin where the gumma formed and died, or take the roof out of a mouth, or weaken the wall of a blood-vessel so that it bulges and bursts.

  10. There was the secret ploughing society of the young men of a village in Gumma prefecture.

  11. He was introduced as a rural religionist from Gumma prefecture set on reforming his countrymen.

  12. The gumma may be completely absorbed or it may give place to a hard node.

  13. Syphilitic osteo-arthritis results from a gumma in the periosteum or marrow of one of the adjacent bones.

  14. An isolated gumma forms a firm elastic swelling, shading off into the surroundings.

  15. Among lesions of the viscera, mention should be made of gumma of the testis, which causes the organ to become enlarged, uneven, and indurated.

  16. A carbuncle is to be differentiated from an ulcerated gumma and from anthrax pustule.

  17. The absorption of a subcutaneous gumma is often hastened by the application of a fly-blister.

  18. When a gumma has broken on the surface and caused an ulcer, this is treated on general principles, with a preference, however, for applications containing mercury or iodine, or both.

  19. A central gumma may eat away the surrounding bone to such an extent that the shaft undergoes pathological fracture.

  20. The caseated tissue of a gumma differs from that of a tuberculous lesion in being tough and firm, of a buff colour like wash-leather, or whitish, like boiled fish.

  21. The syphilitic ulcer is usually formed by the breaking down of a cutaneous or subcutaneous gumma in the tertiary stage of syphilis.

  22. In some cases the gumma softens in the centre, the skin becomes adherent, thin, and red, and finally gives way.

  23. Sooner or later the overlying skin becomes involved, either with or without a pyogenic infection, and the gumma sloughs out leaving the typical syphilitic ulcer.

  24. Gumma of the prepatellar bursa is very common, and should be suspected in every case of suppuration of this bursa without assignable cause.

  25. In cellulitis of the orbit, intra-orbital tumour, gumma and aneurysm in the region of the cavernous sinus, also, the optic nerve may be implicated.

  26. A superficial gumma appears as a small hard nodule under the mucous membrane, varying in size from a pin's head to a pea.

  27. Syphilitic meningitis is usually secondary to cario-necrosis of the bones of the vault or to a localised gumma of the brain.

  28. A localised gumma may develop in the neighbourhood of the angle of the mandible, or the whole of the body of that bone may be the seat of a diffuse gummatous infiltration (Fig.

  29. The gumma may remain for months unchanged, or may approach the surface, soften, and break down, leaving a deep, ragged ulcer.

  30. Perforation of Palate, the result of Syphilis, and Gumma of Right Frontal Bone.

  31. An unbroken gumma is liable to be confused only with the uncommon form of epithelioma which begins as a nodule under the mucous membrane.

  32. The contraction which follows the disappearance of a gumma of the sterno-mastoid may also produce a deformity resembling wry-neck.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gumma" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.