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Example sentences for "hallelujahs"

Lexicographically close words:
halla; hallan; hallar; hallaron; halleluiah; halliard; halliards; hallmark; hallo; halloa
  1. Momentary pauses between lines were punctuated by hallelujahs and amens.

  2. A chorus of hallelujahs arose in my soul, but I kept them to myself.

  3. Joyful hallelujahs sing, And the portals high are lifted To receive their heavenly King.

  4. Then let the voice of praise To heavenly courts ascend, Till with the songs the angels sing Our hallelujahs blend.

  5. The hallelujahs will come during the entire millennium, but the beginning will be mourning, national, by Israel.

  6. O for this love let earth and skies With hallelujahs ring, And the full choir of human tongues All hallelujah sing.

  7. Arise, my soul, awake, my voice, And tunes of pleasure sing, Loud hallelujahs shall address My Saviour and my King.

  8. Which hallelujahs there are the effect of her deliverance from the rage of the beast and great whore, of whose greatness and ruin you read in the two foregoing chapters.

  9. O, may our grateful, trembling hearts Their hallelujahs sing To him who hath our lives preserved,-- Our Father and our King.

  10. Speak of the wonders of that love Which Gabriel plays on every chord; From all below, and all above, Loud hallelujahs to the Lord.

  11. Then shall the trembling mourner come And bind his sheaves and bear them home; The voice long broke with sighs shall sing, Till heaven with hallelujahs ring.

  12. A voice of more than mortal sound, In distant hallelujahs stole, Wild murm'ring o'er the raptured soul.

  13. Nearest the throne, and first in song, Man shall his hallelujahs raise; While wondering angels round him throng And swell the chorus of his praise.

  14. A voice of more than mortal sound, In distant hallelujahs stole, Wild murmuring o'er the raptured soul.

  15. Free for ever from sin, and from sorrow and care; And the loud hallelujahs of angels shall rise, To welcome the soul to its home in the skies!

  16. Sing aloud on the happy morn, All is fulfilled, for Christ is born; With songs of joy let us loudly sing, 'Hallelujahs to Christ our King.

  17. And they ran towards each other and took one another's hand, in the great cathedral of nature and poesy, and above them sounded the invisible holy bell; happy spirits surrounded them, singing hallelujahs and rejoicing.

  18. Seraph and cherub, careless of their charge, And wanton, in full ease now live at large; Unguarded leave the passes of the sky, And all dissolved in hallelujahs lie.

  19. He will come surrounded by an innumerable host whose hallelujahs shall so vibrate that the very heavens will roll apart at their soundings.

  20. We must imitate the angels, who, sympathizing with the Triune Jehovah, strike their lyres with new and more rapturous hallelujahs at the repentance of the returning sinner.

  21. I shall tread the walks of the happy hunting grounds, and sing glad hallelujahs where the worm dieth not and the fire-water is not quenched.

  22. At least, I would not advise you to hold your breath while listening for their glad hallelujahs to the throne.

  23. They sing because thou art their sun: Lord, send a beam on me; For where heaven is but once begun, There hallelujahs be.

  24. And now beforehand help to sing Hallelujahs to heaven's king.

  25. Speak of the wonders of that love Which Gabriel plays on every chord: From all below and all above, Loud hallelujahs to the Lord!

  26. Loud hallelujahs to the Lord, From distant worlds where creatures dwell: Let heaven begin the solemn word, And sound it dreadful down to hell.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hallelujahs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.