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Example sentences for "heades"

Lexicographically close words:
heade; headed; headedness; header; headers; headfirst; headforemost; headgear; heading; headings
  1. Vpon whose coronettes or heades the vaulte or rophe of the churche maye reste.

  2. Some of these haue for the heades Abbotes, some Priours: whiche are either subiecte to the Pope onely, or to the bishoppes.

  3. And in an other place (as we passed) I saw som 8 or 10 malefactors heades set upon tymbers by the hie way side.

  4. He nevertheless does mention it, for in a note on the margin he says of these people, "They have eminent heades like dogs, and live all the day time in the sea: they speake the Charibes language.

  5. No vertuous dede or zelous worke can want due prayse of the honest, though faulting fooles and youthly heades full ofte do chaunt the faultles checke, that Momus mouth did once finde out in Venus slipper.

  6. At the celebration of whose buriall, all the Romaine husbandes laied their heades together, howe they mighte exornate and garnish the funeralles.

  7. The inhabitants are blacke and go naked, but the haire vpon their heades is not so much curled as those of the Mosambique, and they are not ful so blacke.

  8. The haire of them is a yard long, the rumpe is aboue a spanne long: they vse to hang them for brauerie upon the heades of their Elephantes: they bee much vsed in Pegu and China: they buie and sell by scores vpon the ground.

  9. The King went with more state then the King of Bantam: all his garde had pikes with heades of fine gold, and he sate in a wagon that that was drawen by two white Buffles.

  10. I see them lay their heades together to surprize me.

  11. Enter solemnely tripping one after another, sixe Personages, clad in white Robes, wearing on their heades Garlands of Bayes, and golden Vizards on their faces, Branches of Bayes or Palme in their hands.

  12. In which closing and binding together in foure equall diuisions, there were foure winged heades of a little childe, with foure pipes in their mouthes.

  13. This tryumphant Charriot, was pompously drawne with sixe fierce Vnicornes: their heades like Harts, reuerencing the chaste Diana.

  14. Their fore-heades most fayre, and beautified with the moueable wauinges of theyr crysping hayre couered ouer with a thinne vayle, lyke a Spiders vvebbe.

  15. Authors did neuer busie their heades and wittes, in folowyng so preciselie, either the matter what other men wrote, or els the maner how other men wrote.

  16. Now by theis heavens above our wretched heades Ye are but cowards every one of you!

  17. They say the King of Cocora hath crusefied xxxvij men and women, wherof 6 men were crusefied with their heades downeward.

  18. He also writes that a greate bongew is coming downe to lay handes on 7 or 8 padres, and to cut affe the heades of x or xij guardians, or officers of Langasaque, etc.

  19. I cannot tell what stayeth me from cutting those curssed Heades of yours from of your shoulders like arrant Traytors and Theues as you be.

  20. First of all, the wilde heades of the parish flocking togither, chuse them a graund captaine of mischiefe, whom they innoble with the title of Lord of Misrule; and him they crowne with great solemnity, and adopt for their king.

  21. And heades all balde, weare newe in wedlocke linckt.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heades" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.