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Example sentences for "hencoop"

Lexicographically close words:
henceforth; henceforward; henceforwards; henchman; henchmen; hend; hende; hendecasyllables; hending; henequen
  1. But recently he reshingled his six by eight hencoop and did a finished piece of work; he trimmed and cemented up his apple tree and did a finished piece of work; he built a new step at the kitchen door and did a finished piece of work.

  2. Without a moment's thought I seized a hencoop loose on deck, and threw it overboard.

  3. Their families ate the birds, and the hencoop was split into firewood with a hatchet.

  4. I remembered how he had resigned the hencoop to save my life; and the grief that I evinced for his loss moved the compassion of the fishermen, who aided me to bury him decently on the island.

  5. Suppose, for instance, that I had not chanced to notice your condition, and had turned in; and that while you were lying unconscious upon that hencoop a sudden squall had struck the brig, what would have happened?

  6. But just as he was on the point of giving in, a hencoop came drifting past, to which he at once attached himself, and this being fortunately of sufficient size to sustain his weight, hindered him from sinking.

  7. My notion is that shipwreck is so common a thing in life, it is always pleasant to think that a friend can throw you a spare hencoop when you're sinking.

  8. A shipwrecked sailor never clung to a hencoop with greater tenacity than did I grasp this one solitary fact, floating at large upon the wide ocean of uncertainty.

  9. Fred Hencoop was on the other side of the room holding a skein of silk for Sallie Brown.

  10. I'll take her a new sash to replace the one I spoiled at the picnic, and we'll see who's the best fellow, Hencoop or I.

  11. Fred Hencoop was drawing something on the board, and explaining it.

  12. When he drew near the second hencoop was coming into sight.

  13. The man drew something out of the hencoop and threw it back into the cove.

  14. Then the hencoop was pulled over the side of the dory and rested across it, and Tom saw that instead of chickens it contained fish.

  15. Then, presently, the hencoop was lifted over the side again and sank out of sight.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hencoop" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.