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Example sentences for "hermeneutical"

Lexicographically close words:
hermaphrodism; hermaphrodite; hermaphrodites; hermaphroditic; hermaphroditism; hermeneutics; hermetically; hermit; hermitage; hermitages
  1. It was he who gave full development and consistent expression to the essential dogmatic and hermeneutical principles of the Antiochean theology.

  2. He set forth his hermeneutical principles in the treatise: De Allegoria et Historia.

  3. To obtain these heavenly mysteries, which alone make the Torah superior to profane codes, definite hermeneutical rules are employed, of which the following are the most important.

  4. These hermeneutical canons are much older than the Kabbalah.

  5. In this case, sound hermeneutical methods will greatly aid in clearing up obscurity.

  6. A wide field lies open to any teacher, in which his hermeneutical skill may exercise itself with signal effect and for the welfare of the Church.

  7. In this regard, we envision a fully adequate methodology that would include a phenomenological aspect which goes beyond description to a hermeneutical process, within an action research orientation.

  8. All these duties, which branch off into many specialities, are either explicitly declared, or incontestably result, by analogies and sound hermeneutical deductions, from the various texts referring to such subjects.

  9. The paramount importance of this hermeneutical rule will be any apology for having dilated on a point, which must be already well known to biblical students.

  10. By analytical reduction to something universally known, we destroy the actual value of the symbol; but it is appropriate to its value and meaning to give it an hermeneutical interpretation.

  11. By means of the hermeneutical treatment of the phantasies we arrive at the synthesis of the individual with the collective psyche, put theoretically, that is, but practically, one indispensable condition is yet lacking.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hermeneutical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.