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Example sentences for "hermaphroditism"

Lexicographically close words:
hermanos; hermaphrodism; hermaphrodite; hermaphrodites; hermaphroditic; hermeneutical; hermeneutics; hermetically; hermit; hermitage
  1. How can we reconcile the facts of hermaphroditism with the chromosome theory of sex determination?

  2. It is obvious that in this case the cause for the hermaphroditism is not disclosed.

  3. Experimental work has been begun by Correns[189] and by Shull on the determination of hermaphroditism in plants but lack of space forbids us to give details.

  4. By hermaphroditism is meant the existence of complete and separate sets of female and male gonads in the same individual.

  5. In teratological records it is not always stated clearly to which of the two above-named causes the unusual hermaphroditism belongs, though it is generally easy to ascertain this point.

  6. Apart from certain doubtful and possibly abnormal instances among Phyllopoda and Amphipoda, the only exceptions are the sessile Cirripedia and some parasitic Isopoda (Cymothoidae), where hermaphroditism is the rule.

  7. So that the relationship between hermaphroditism and fertilisation by means of insects is likewise to a certain extent intelligible.

  8. A certain degree of anatomical hermaphroditism really belongs to the normal.

  9. Thus we must recognize that inversion and somatic hermaphroditism are totally independent of each other.

  10. The theory of psychic hermaphroditism presupposed that the sexual object of the inverted is the reverse of the normal.

  11. There is a type of hermaphroditism in which the sex cannot be definitely declared, and sometimes dissection does not definitely indicate the predominating sex.

  12. There was also shown in London the pelvic organs from a case of complex or vertical hermaphroditism occurring in a child of nine months who died from the effects of an operation for the radical cure of a right inguinal hernia.

  13. In commenting on this form of hermaphroditism Albucasiusus describes a necessary operation for the removal of the clitoris.

  14. Phillips mentions four cases of spurious hermaphroditism in one family, and recently Pozzi tells of a family of nine individuals in whom this anomaly was observed.

  15. As we have seen, there seems to be a law of evolution in hermaphroditism which prevents perfection.

  16. Barnes, Chalmers, Sippel, and Litten describe cases of spurious hermaphroditism due to elongation of the clitoris.

  17. The legal aspect of hermaphroditism has always been much discussed.

  18. Now, will the moths of new hybrid Roylei pernyi (which I expect will emerge in May or June, 1882) have the same tendency to hermaphroditism as has been observed with the hybrids obtained by the crossing of Smerinthus populi with Sm.

  19. As has been remarked earlier in these pages, there is rarely if ever true hermaphroditism in higher animals--i.

  20. For example, 15% of Neugebauer's[22] cases of female tubular partial hermaphroditism had abnormal growths in the suprarenals.

  21. True hermaphroditism in man being established, the question arises whether lesser grades do not occur.

  22. Hirschfeld emphasizes the fact that neither hermaphroditism nor eunuchoidism is commonly associated with homosexuality, and that a large proportion of the cases of transvestism, as defined by him, are heterosexual.

  23. He also rejected any minute classification of sexual inverts, only recognizing psycho-sexual hermaphroditism and homosexuality.

  24. For a fully illustrated study of the ancient conception of hermaphroditism in sculpture see L.

  25. These traits of physiognomy and physique indicate functional hermaphroditism in the underlying feminoid constitution.

  26. Indeed, the whole question of hermaphroditism is one of deep suggestion when these embryological facts are brought into relation with the abnormalities which occur in the expression of the sexual impulses.

  27. It seems probable that this interesting phenomenon of abnormal hermaphroditism is of much commoner occurrence than the cases that have been recorded (Evolution of Sex, p.

  28. Hermaphroditism must be regarded as a temporary or transitional form.

  29. Leuckart does not appear to be satisfied as to the hermaphroditism of these forms; and holds that it is quite possible that the ova may develop parthenogenetically.

  30. There can be no doubt that the dioecious state is a very early one, and that the majority of existing cases of hermaphroditism are secondary.

  31. The sexual life of pseudo-hermaphrodites has in some instances been very carefully studied, more especially with reference to the relationship of pseudo-hermaphroditism to the direction of the sexual impulse.

  32. In the human species true hermaphroditism is a very rare occurrence, whereas apparent hermaphroditism, the so-called pseudo-hermaphroditism, is comparatively frequent.

  33. In the end, his psychic hermaphroditism becomes complete, and one more unfortunate goes out into the world to swell the ranks of crankdom!

  34. Psychic hermaphroditism does not occur naturally in uncivilized or half-civilized races.

  35. Thus we have traced hermaphroditism from the am[oe]ba to the amphioxus, from the ancestor of the parent cell to the ancestor of the vertebrates.

  36. Ichthyopterygia; on the hermaphroditism of the remote progenitors of the vertebrata; two types of nipple in mammals.

  37. In the Lamellibranchiata, or bivalve shells, hermaphroditism is not rare.

  38. Hermaphroditism has been observed in several species of Serranus, as well as in some other fishes, where it is either normal and symmetrical, or abnormal and unilateral.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hermaphroditism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.