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Example sentences for "hermeneutics"

Lexicographically close words:
hermaphrodite; hermaphrodites; hermaphroditic; hermaphroditism; hermeneutical; hermetically; hermit; hermitage; hermitages; hermits
  1. Nor was he a superficial student merely; and his opponents well knew that in him they had found no mean adept in philosophy, theology, hermeneutics and ecclesiastical history.

  2. The history of hermeneutics in all times shows that there is but one step from the literal to the allegorical.

  3. The hermeneutics of gems are uncertain, and founded on mere fanciful resemblances, on the harmonies of ideas hard to assimilate.

  4. Pfeiffer= of Leipzig gained distinction in biblical criticism and hermeneutics by his “Critica Sacra” of A.

  5. Great excitement was caused in 1860 by the “Essays and Reviews,” which in seven treatises by so many Oxford professors contested the traditional apologetics and hermeneutics of English theology, and set a sublimated rationalism in its place.

  6. Hermeneutics and Homiletics); finally, the two bks.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hermeneutics" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    criticism; cryptography; lexicography