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Example sentences for "hesna"

Lexicographically close words:
hesitates; hesitating; hesitatingly; hesitation; hesitations; hest; heste; hestes; het; hetaerae
  1. Burnbrae hesna feenished his lease, an' a'm thinkin' Jean 'ill no hae lasted long aifter him.

  2. Thank ye, Drumsheugh, thank ye kindly; and wull ye tell Doctor Davidson that he hesna lived forty years in the Glen for naethin"?

  3. A' never cud mak oot hoo she ever lookit at me, 'at hesna hed ae word tae say aboot her till it's ower late.

  4. And what's the metter, son Willie, When Annie hesna lan?

  5. Little metter o that, my son Willie, When Annie hesna grace.

  6. He hesna muckle in his head, a'll alloo that, Netherton, but he's an earnest bit cratur.

  7. That he hes, at ony rate, and it 'ill no be your blame or mine if he hesna mair.

  8. Na, na, he hesna sinned against Nature, and Nature 'ill stand by him noo in his oor o' distress.

  9. It's hoverin', Bell, but it hesna fallen; please God it never wull.

  10. Gin we hed him the morn there's little doot she wud be saved, for he hesna lost mair than five per cent.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hesna" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.