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Example sentences for "hiccups"

Lexicographically close words:
hiccoughing; hiccoughs; hiccup; hiccuped; hiccupped; hicieron; hick; hickories; hickory; hid
  1. How comes it that such as have the hiccups do ease themselves by holding their breath?

  2. The breath retained doth heat the interior parts of the body, and the hiccups proceeds from cold.

  3. To begin with, he developed a violent attack of hiccups which could not be restrained.

  4. The wind was also blowing pretty strongly; and what with the wind externally and the hiccups within Peter was soon in a bad way.

  5. Huge, strangling hiccups came out of his throat.

  6. Then those strangling hiccups would come.

  7. I've been a martyr to hiccups ever since I was a child.

  8. Here, by a dire fatality, the stifled hiccups burst beyond all control; and distinctly asserted themselves by one convulsive yelp, which betrayed Zack into a start of horror.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hiccups" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.