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Example sentences for "hoolly"

Lexicographically close words:
hookworm; hooky; hool; hooli; hooligans; hooly; hoom; hoong; hoop; hoope
  1. What nede is thee to seke on me victorie, Sin I am thyn, and hoolly at thy wille?

  2. But sith I hadde hem hoolly in myn hond, And sith they hadde me yeven all hir lond, What sholde I taken hede hem for to plese, But it were for my profit and myn ese?

  3. Why cleymen they hoolly his powere, 525 And wranglen ayenst all his hestes?

  4. Of whiche slaunders and tenes ye false men and wicked ben the verey causes; on you by right ought these shames and these reproves al hoolly discende.

  5. Hoolly and pleyn I yelde me, 1970 Withoute feyning or feyntyse, To be governed by your empryse.

  6. And eek I counseile thee, y-wis, The God of Love hoolly foryet, 3245 That hath thee in sich peyne set, And thee in herte tormented so.

  7. For hoolly I perhaps we should read I hoolly.

  8. So whan my lady knew al this, My lady yaf me al hoolly The noble yift of hir mercy, 1270 Saving hir worship, by al weyes; Dredles, I mene noon other weyes.

  9. He agilte hir never in other caas, Lo, here al hoolly his trespas!

  10. For evermore, I trowe trewly, For al my wil, my lust hoolly Is turned; but yet, what to done?

  11. I; 745 Good sir, tel me al hoolly In what wyse, how, why, and wherfore That ye have thus your blisse lore.

  12. I change hoolly hirs into hirs hoolly, and omit the following and.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hoolly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.