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Example sentences for "howkit"

Lexicographically close words:
howers; however; howitzer; howitzers; howk; howl; howld; howled; howler; howlers
  1. She howkit a grave forenent the sun, And there she buried her twa babes in.

  2. Thou howkit a grave forenent the sun, And there thou buried thy twa babes in.

  3. Ye howkit a hole aneath the moon, And there ye laid our bodies down.

  4. He pu'd a tree out o the wud, The biggest that was there, And he howkit a cave monie fathoms deep, And put May Margret there.

  5. She howkit a hole before the sun, She's laid these three bonnie babes in.

  6. It was saxteen mile to the hills, and yin and twenty to the lanely tap whaur he had howkit his grave.

  7. I howkit it richt on the verra tap, and ilka year I gang there to make it neat and ordlerly.

  8. For there they howkit a lot o' passages like trances, and here and there a wee roomy like, wi' ither trances gaein frae them this gait and that.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "howkit" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.