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Example sentences for "howk"

Lexicographically close words:
hower; howers; however; howitzer; howitzers; howkit; howl; howld; howled; howler
  1. Ye can howk i' the kebbuck an' howk again As lang as there's kebbuck to pree.

  2. Nothing angers her mair than to hear me speak o' planting trees for the benefit o' them that's to be farmers here after me; and as for ancestors, she would howk them up as quick as I could plant them.

  3. You can howk ony mortal thing out o' the original Hebrew, the which all ministers hae at their finger ends.

  4. Bide here till I gang for John Armstrong and the other twa men that howk wi' him in the quarry.

  5. After his wife had died, and none came near him, and he was left to howk out her grave with his own hands, I gave him prisoners to bury her, and when he was done with them I set them free.

  6. Did his enemies wish to see him howk out her grave with his own hands?

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "howk" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.