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Example sentences for "id"

Lexicographically close words:
ictu; ictum; ictus; icumen; icy; idcirco; iddin; iddina; ide; idea
  1. Every id must be able to grow and multiply, for it is by their multiplication that the germplasm for new individuals is formed.

  2. He has given the name id to these communities, which are higher units with definite constitution and with complicated architecture.

  3. To get rid of the expense and the claims he resolved to dispose of it, and said something about this wish at his own dinner-table.

  4. The captaine Hector of Brescia, the successour to the captaine Cæsar of Aduersa.

  5. Her husband saw her from across the street, and hurrying over took the next elevator.

  6. The members of his company decided to present him with a handsome silver trumpet, as an expression of their regard and appreciation of his pluck, courage and fighting qualities.

  7. One of the members was chosen to prepare a fitting speech for the occasion, and after some weeks of labor announced himself as being thoroughly prepared for the task.

  8. And when, responding to the cheers, he lightly doffed his hat, No stranger in the crowd could doubt 'twas Casey at the bat.

  9. And, in my obinion, gendlemen, the answer to that quesdion is thad id is very largely due do the consdandly recurring sdrikes which have become almosdt a habid with the Bridish workman.

  10. A zimilar remarg was made nod zo very many years ago when id was suggesded that ocean shibs could be buildt of medal," retorted the professor.

  11. No, bardon me, colonel, id is not an imbossibilidy by any means.

  12. Now a balloon is nothing more than a life-buoy; id zusdains a man, but that is all.

  13. My dear sir, id is as bragdigable as id is to build a shib which will navigade the ocean.

  14. With the medals hitherdoo ad our disbosal, I admid thad the dask is a diffiguld one; bud I maindain thad id is by no means an imbossibilidy.

  15. There id is," he said, handing the packet to the colonel for inspection.

  16. Ad the same dime I feel id due do myself do say thad, even had you nod mendioned the madder, I should have done my best to secure Englishmen for the work, as of course I shall now; bud I do nod feel very sanguine as do the resuldt.

  17. The entries of that plague are under different years in the various original Annals.

  18. In his Proved Practice he defers still farther to the academical view, as given in the treatise of John Almenar, a Spanish physician[847].

  19. I suspect that the fatal delay in the publication of the 'Icon Basilike' is susceptible of no other satisfactory explanation.

  20. Is not the [Greek: Kyrios], or Lord, of the LXX.

  21. If I can prove that it hath been the universal practice of the Church 'in nudum apertum caput manus imponere', doth it follow that this is essential, and the contrary null?

  22. Qua re audita, Cicero transversis itineribus in villam, quae a mari proxime aberat, fugit indeque navem conscendit, in Macedoniam transiturus.

  23. Vy, id can lift me like id vos an infant.

  24. I sed ub nighds dryin' to haf dot vigger me out vot id vos, but now I don'd knew so much apoud id as you did pefore.

  25. Uf you vos to life there a great vile I oxbect id vould turn my hair gray.

  26. Der nexd dime you hit me, id vill pe mit you faces mein fist on.

  27. I haf to haf a boultice vor dot toe, I pelief me, der vay id veels.

  28. Id shust vant to play mit me, like I vos a gat und id vos a mouses.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "id" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    idea that; idea what; ideal beauty; ideal form; idee fixe; identical with; identify them