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Example sentences for "ide"

Lexicographically close words:
icy; idcirco; iddin; iddina; idea; ideaed; ideal; idealisation; idealise
  1. Well, I neuer prospered since I forswore Myselfe at Primero: and my winde Were but long inough to say my prayers, Ide repent, now from whence come you?

  2. He was neuer twice in my companie, and if then I thought I gaue such assurance 15 with my eies, Ide pull them out, they should neuer see more holie daies.

  3. Her old friend Franklin Ide could have told her, perhaps; but here was the last day of the voyage, and she hadn't yet found courage to ask him.

  4. She had said nothing to Franklin Ide because she had always instinctively shrunk from taking him into her confidence.

  5. Oh, as to that--" Ide drew a deep breath of relief.

  6. I'm glad you recognize that," Franklin Ide exclaimed abruptly.

  7. Franklin Ide rose from his seat and crossed the room to a chair near her sofa-corner.

  8. I'm not sure that Leila realizes--" Ide sounded again his little reassuring laugh.

  9. As she developed this plan, she had the sense that Ide was still thoughtfully, even gravely, considering her.

  10. She wanted no viaticum but that of her own thoughts; and she let these come to her without shrinking from them as she sat in the same high-hung sitting-room in which, just a week before, she and Franklin Ide had had their memorable talk.

  11. That, of course, was what Franklin Ide had felt and had meant her to feel.

  12. Franklin Ide had seated himself in the arm-chair she had pushed forward for him under the electric chandelier.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ide" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    idea that; idea what; ideal beauty; ideal form; idee fixe; identical with; identify them