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Example sentences for "inconuenience"

Lexicographically close words:
incontinentlie; incontinently; incontrollable; incontrovertible; incontrovertibly; inconueniences; inconvenience; inconvenienced; inconveniences; inconveniencies
  1. The next day we went againe for water to the same Iland, but not knowing before the inconuenience and disuaduantage of the place where we attempted to land, we returned frustrate.

  2. In this meane time, of a small matter, and the same altogither false and fained, there was an open path made and beaten foorth, for a greater inconuenience to insue.

  3. Take heede Madame from falling into such inconuenience as he is in, for in place of great pleasure whiche he thought to haue gayned, he hath receiued the extremest anoyance, that any gentleman can suffer.

  4. But sith men haue learned of late to sow ashen keies in ashyards by themselues, that inconuenience in short time will be redressed.

  5. And so farre hath this inconuenience spread it selfe, that it is in my time an hard matter for a poore mans child to come by a felowship (though he be neuer so good a scholar & woorthie of that roome.

  6. But such is our nature, and so blind are we in deed, that we see no inconuenience before we feele it: and for a present gaine we regard not what damage may insue to our posteritie.

  7. Wherefore, if in countrie townes & cities, yea euen in London it selfe, foure or fiue of the litle churches were brought into one, the inconuenience would in great part be redressed.

  8. This inconuenience hath growen altogither to the church by appropriations made vnto monasteries and religious houses, a terrible canker and enimie to religion.

  9. After his decease king Henrie the second came no sooner to the crowne, but he called to mind the inconuenience which his predecessour had suffered, and he himselfe might in time sustaine by those fortifications.

  10. Munster and Frisius being about to report the woonders of Island doe presently stumble, as it were, vpon the thresholde, to the great inconuenience of them both.

  11. Sidenote: The great inconuenience by late staying vpon the coast of Guinie.

  12. Am I the first vpon whome such inconuenience hath come?

  13. Then I shewed vnto him that he was chiefe in this Countrey, and that I for my part had no further authoritie: that therefore hee would take good aduisement what hee did, for feare least some inconuenience might ensue.

  14. Other shewed vnto him the losse and spoile of his victuals, and on the other side the inconuenience that might happen by the shallow water that they found continually along the coast.

  15. Which was an inconuenience to the Christians, in regard of the victuals which they found conueied away: and of the trouble which they had in seeking of Indians to bee their guides.

  16. Wherein the prouidence of God is to be noted, that prouideth a naturall remedie for them, to helpe the naturall inconuenience of their Countrey by the cold of the Climat.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inconuenience" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.