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Example sentences for "incurre"

Lexicographically close words:
incurable; incurables; incurably; incurious; incuriously; incurred; incurrere; incurring; incurs; incursion
  1. For they had sufficiently understood that the world once perished by the universall deluge, and that it may not incurre the like accident, but suffer its last extermination by fire.

  2. He that shall be in the warre moste vigilant to observe the devises of the enemie, and shall take moste payne to exercise his armie, shall incurre least perilles and maie hope moste of the victorie.

  3. XIX That Princes should take a care, not to incurre contempt or hatred.

  4. Wherefore if the Goddes do fauour eyther of vs, let vs not shewe our selues to bee wearie of our libertie and franchise that is certaine, and hazard the dice to incurre perpetuall seruitude and bondage.

  5. And if any be found a seller of the Sacraments, that hee bee deposed simpliciter: and such as collude with slanderous persons in dispensing and over-seeing them for money, incurre the like punishment.

  6. There was no man, for feare to incurre the displeasures of the Magistrates, that durst open hys mouth to speake or make sute for hys delyueraunce.

  7. For hee esteemed it a more honest and laudable part to incurre the Peryll of death in Obedience to hys Father, than to lyue in contumelye by disobedyence.

  8. What is he that hath bene euer so prodigall, to employ his life (the most speciall pledge in this worlde,) rather than hee would suffer his beloued to incurre dishonoure?

  9. And simple Wyghtes ought not to bee afrayde, and thynke amyss if Fryendes doe flee away, sith Prynces and great Lords incurre sutch hap and Fortune.

  10. Iulietta knowing the fury of hir Father, fearing to incurre his indignation, or to prouoke his further wrath, retired for the day into hir Chamber, and contriued that whole Nyght more in weeping then slepyng.

  11. Therefore to speake, and to auoid the first, And then in speaking, not to incurre the last, Definitiuely thus I answer you.

  12. For your Physitians haue expressely charg'd, In perill to incurre your former malady, That I should yet absent me from your bed: I hope this reason stands for my excuse Beg.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "incurre" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.