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Example sentences for "auoid"

Lexicographically close words:
aunswere; aunswered; auntie; aunties; aunts; auoide; auoided; auoiding; auoient; auoir
  1. Stephan) shuld depart home without further delaie: wherefore he appointed them a daie, before the which they should auoid vpon perill that might insue.

  2. Moreouer, king Henrie, to auoid further slander, placed for bishop in the see of Lincolne a bastard son which he had named Geffrey, after he had kept that bishoprike in his hands so long till he had almost cleerelie destroied it.

  3. In which meane time, the king to auoid all contention and strife betwixt him and king Lewes, sent his son Henrie togither with his wife ouer into England there eftsoones to receiue the crowne, [Sidenote: Ger.

  4. But neuerthelesse, at the importunate sute of the said sir Iohn Bushie and others, the archbishop was condemned vnto perpetuall exile, and appointed to auoid the realme within six wéekes.

  5. This yeare in August, was a proclamation set foorth, that all Irishmen should auoid this land, and returne home into their owne countrie, before the feast of the Natiuitie of our ladie, on paine of death.

  6. Al the race of the Tarquines for like fact were banyshed Rome, for the onely brute whereof, the husband of the faire rauished wife, was constrayned to auoid the Place of his natiuity.

  7. Finallie, to auoid further inconuenience, and to qualifie the minds of the enuious, [Sidenote: Dukes and others depriued of their titles.

  8. King Edward to auoid the cursse, assembled a prouinciall councell, 905, in the which the archbishop of Canturburie Pleimond was president.

  9. For (as it were to win credit, and to auoid present danger) Hasting sent vnto Alfred these his two sonnes, signifieng that if it stood with his pleasure, he could be content that they should be baptised.

  10. And also bicause the heresie of the Pelagians began to renew againe amongst them (as he was informed) he admonished them to beware thereof, and by all meanes to auoid it.

  11. And this wilie fox did this act, to auoid all suspicion on king Richards part.

  12. But yet wisedome hath a deuise to auoid & shift off all such deceiuers, as the poet well saieth: Dissimulatores vitat prudentia vafros.

  13. Sidenote: The lord Stanleies deuise to auoid suspicion of K.

  14. And I haue bin all this day to auoid him: He is too disputeable for my companie: I thinke of as many matters as he, but I giue Heauen thankes, and make no boast of them.

  15. Auoid then fiend, what tel'st thou me of supping?

  16. Good Signior Leonato, you are come to meet your trouble: the fashion of the world is to auoid cost, and you encounter it Leon.

  17. I know not: but I am sure 'tis safer to Auoid what's growne, then question how 'tis borne.

  18. I would you knew Ford, sir, that you might auoid him, if you saw him Fal.

  19. Therefore to speake, and to auoid the first, And then in speaking, not to incurre the last, Definitiuely thus I answer you.

  20. I will no longer endure it, though yet I know no wise remedy how to auoid it.

  21. Come Camillo, I will respect thee as a Father, if Thou bear'st my life off, hence: Let vs auoid Cam.

  22. That shall not be much amisse: yet, as the matter now stands, he will auoid your accusation: he made triall of you onelie.

  23. And to that end we wish'd your Lordship here, T' auoid the Censures of the carping World Buck.

  24. This murtherous Shaft that's shot, Hath not yet lighted: and our safest way, Is to auoid the ayme.

  25. How their historiographers haue attempted to shape manie coloured excuses to auoid so manifest a title, all men may see that read their bookes indifferentlie, wherevnto I referre them.

  26. The next daie they resort vnto the chappell also in the like order, & from thence vnto diner, wearing afterward their said apparell vnto euening praier, and likewise all the supper time, vntill the auoid be finished.

  27. With which speach the king was so offended, that he commanded him out of hand to auoid out of his presence.

  28. Sidenote: Fouke Fitz Warren commandeth the popes Nuncio to auoid the realme.

  29. This yeare also was a proclamation made in London, and throughout all the realme, that all strangers should auoid the land before the feast of saint Michaell then next following except those that came with merchandize.

  30. In this heat if the earle of Chester and other had not beene at hand, he had suerlie slaine the cheefe iustice euen there with his drawne sword, who was glad to auoid his presence, till his angrie mood was somwhat ouerpassed.

  31. It was therefore first enacted, that all the Poictouins should auoid the land, togither with other strangers, and that neither the king nor his sonne prince Edward should in anie secret manner aid them against the people.

  32. Manie honest matrons of the towne were drowned, as they were got into boates to auoid the danger of their persons, wanting skill how to guide the same boates.

  33. Luke entred the English borders, and did much hurt within the countrie of Northumberland, so that to auoid the danger, all the religious men fled out of the monasteries situat betwixt Newcastell vpon Tine, and Carleill.

  34. It is written, that his bodie, to auoid the stench which had infected manie men, was closed in a buls hide, and how he that clensed the head died of the sauour which issued out of the braine.

  35. And here we haue to note the neglect of the physicians counsell, and that same ill disposition in diet which the king chose rather to satisfie, than by restraining it to auoid the danger whereinto he fell.

  36. He reuoked Anselme the archbishop of Canturburie out of exile, who fled (as yee haue heard) to auoid the wrath of king William.

  37. It is said also, that he was after his taking once set at libertie by king Henrie, and bound to forsweare the realme of England and Normandie, being appointed to auoid within the space of 40.

  38. France, to auoid the danger of his enimies: [Sidenote: 1131.

  39. The prince vnderstood by the prisoners, that the French king was so farre aduanced forward in pursute of him, that he could not auoid the battell.

  40. Sir Godfrey de Harcourt being constreined to flee out of France, to auoid the French kings displeasure, came ouer vnto the king of England, who receiued him verie ioifullie, for he was knowne to be a right valiant and a wise personage.

  41. But to auoid danger of tumult that might be raised, if a prince so well beloued of the people should be openlie executed; his enimies determined to worke their feats in his destruction, yer he should haue anie warning.

  42. And to auoid all night-watchers about Paris, and the confines thereof, he first tooke into his possession either by assault or composition, the towne of Trainelle and Braie vpon Seine.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "auoid" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.