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Example sentences for "aunswered"

Lexicographically close words:
aungel; aungels; aunque; aunswer; aunswere; auntie; aunties; aunts; auoid; auoide
  1. She aunswered y{t} there was no recept against feare.

  2. He aunswered y{t} yt was not mete for a sick ma to travelle y{t} coulde not sitt on horsebacke and especiallye in so colde weather.

  3. She aunswered y{t} she never sowght anye waie bye him, but he was in fault him sellfe.

  4. Then she asked him of the purpose of Hegate, he aunswered y{t} it was tolde him.

  5. He aunswered y{t} he hated no ma, and loved all alike well.

  6. He aunswered y{t} he complained not w{th}owt cause and as he beleved, she woulde graunte her sellfe when she was well advised.

  7. I aunswered y{t} I knewe so farr of hys Lordsh.

  8. He aunswered y{t} he had litle minde of suche as she was, and wished of God she might serve her to her hono{r}.

  9. I aunswered y{t} I liked it not, bicause she tooke him to Cragmill{r}.

  10. She aunswered and said y{t} he woulde not be a fraide in case he were not culpable.

  11. The Indians aunswered agayne, that they shoulde depart, and not thus bragge in other mens land, for in no wise they woulde permitte them to enter their Towne.

  12. They aunswered that Mutezuma caused them to be murthered, who had likewise taken the spoyle, and that the Citizens of Tezcuco were not culpable in that fact, and with this aunswere they returned.

  13. He also besoughte Mutezuma to certifie him if there were any sure porte or harbor on the Sea coast, where the Spanish nauie mought ride in safetie: he aunswered that he knew of none, but that he woulde sende to make enquirie thereof.

  14. The Louers aunswered that they desired none other thing.

  15. Syr," aunswered that disguised person: "I know not how to aunswere your demaund, and mutch lesse I know the country where we now presently be.

  16. It is the great God" (aunswered Mansor) "which hath had some care of me, and will not suffer me to perysh without doynge greater good turnes and better deedes than hitherto I haue don.

  17. Alas good mother" (aunswered woful Iulietta) "do you not most euidently perceiue and see what iust cause I haue too sorrow and complayne, loosyng at one instante two persons of the world which wer vnto mee most deare?

  18. God forbid" (aunswered the Lord Nicholas) "that I be cause of any slaunder, and rather had I dye my selfe than minister one simple occasion whereby your fame should be brought in question.

  19. They aunswered likewise a farre of, that in one of Zacharies chambers they found him close prisoner, and thought themselues guiltie of the breach of her Ladiships commaundement if they should haue left him behinde.

  20. Yt was aunswered him that the courte sate not to trye matters of religion, but a matter de facto, that whether he browght the said slaunderous bookes into the realme, and whether he had disparsed them.

  21. To the which he aunswered that he had brought ffyve or syx hundreth of the same bookes into the realme, and that he had disparced them as he sawe occasion.

  22. And after beinge asked what he could saye whye judgment of deathe should not be geven against him, he aunswered that the offence was pardoned, the pardone was redd, and yt was told him that his offence was excepted out of the pardone.

  23. And he aunswered that he stoode before the Tribunall or Judgement seat of Cesor, and there he owght to be tryed.

  24. But they pressing vpon him that there was a ring behinde, willed him throughly to make searche for it: howebeit he still aunswered that he could not finde it.

  25. Whereunto the Commissioners aunswered in this wise: “Your requestes bee so reasonable, that they ought willingly to be graunted.

  26. Whom Mahomet aunswered with merie countenance in these wordes.

  27. Thelemia quickly aunswered me, God of his infinite goodnesse, proposeth to mankind his mercie and his iudgement, chuse which they will.

  28. And I reuerently aunswered them, Poliphilus: it will please me well saith she, if the effect of your conditions be aunswerable to your name.

  29. A Theban knighte demaunded of Lais, what he might doe to enioy a ladye wyth whose loue hee should bee surprised: Shee aunswered thus.

  30. The counte feling it at the point, and well viewyng the same, aunswered that he neuer sawe a better in all his life.

  31. Whereunto the mayde aunswered nothinge but Teares and Syghes, wringing hir Armes and Handes, and sometymes makinge Warre vppon hir fayre Hayre.

  32. The sage and discrete lady ioyfully aunswered the Messanger, that she would accompt his comming for a great and singuler pleasure, and sayd that hys grace should be most heartily welcome.

  33. But she excusinge hir selfe, aunswered that she could not goe with hym without great shame, besides the hazardinge the losse of her kingdome.

  34. The Abbot aunswered that he would willingly doe so.

  35. Wee shall be both salfe ynough, (aunswered Euphimia) for my deuice proceedinge from a woman's heade, hath already drawen the plot of thy deliueraunce.

  36. The Gentlewoman made as though she vnderstode her not, but mildlie aunswered that, is shee knew any talke betweene them might offend her maiestie, she would neuer speake vnto him againe.

  37. The new maried Gentleman, albeit it greeued hym very sore, and thought himselfe to be mocked, aunswered liberally and like a Frende, that it was in hys power to do wyth hys owne what hee thought best.

  38. Which verses Philip de Valois then possessing the Crowne as next heire male by pretexte of the law Salique, and holding our Edward the third, aunswered in these other of as good stuffe.

  39. And as a great Princesse aunswered her seruitour, who distrusting in her fauours toward him, praised his owne constancie in these verses.

  40. After these had stollen away one by one, as the manner is, it pleased the Prince to aske what was a clocke, it beeing aunswered almost twelve hee presently called in for supper.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aunswered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.