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Example sentences for "aunswere"

Lexicographically close words:
auncyent; aungel; aungels; aunque; aunswer; aunswered; auntie; aunties; aunts; auoid
  1. For the verifying of which Conclusion, I promise to aunswere to the 74.

  2. Doth the Innocent, forbeare the calling of them, Iuridically to aunswere him, according to the rigour of the Lawes: and will they despise his Charitable pacience?

  3. Ye haue a figuratiue speach which the Greeks cal Antipophora, I name him the Responce, and is when we will seeme to aske a question to th'intent we will aunswere it our selues, and is a figure of argument and also of amplification.

  4. To hail the king in seemelye sorte This ladye was fulle faine; But king Arthure all sore amaz'd, No aunswere made againe.

  5. The duke, all shent with this rebuke, 165 No aunswere made unto the kinge: But to the rivere tooke the sworde, And threwe it far as he coulde flinge.

  6. One that is ouer-couetous ought nat to attwite[156] an other of prodigalite.

  7. Of the beggers aunswere to mayster Skelton the poete.

  8. Of the aunswere of Phocion to them that brought hym a great gyfte from Alexander.

  9. For this is no doute, euery prudent wyff Hathe redy aunswere in al suche maner stryff, Thoughe theos dotardes, with theyre dokked berdes Which strowtethe out as they were made of herdes, Haue ageyn hus a gret quarell nowe sette.

  10. Syr," aunswered that disguised person: "I know not how to aunswere your demaund, and mutch lesse I know the country where we now presently be.

  11. Zilia which was not wonte to receyue very ofte sutch Ambassades, at the firste was in mind to breake the Letters, and to retourne the Messanger wythout aunswere to hir shame.

  12. With which aunswere the woman in hir mind dayly being troubled, became very pensiffe, like one that was voyde of all comfort.

  13. Thus these two, of diuers Affections, and mooued wyth contrary thoughtes, spake one to another, without apt aunswere to eyther's talke.

  14. So taking Inke and Paper, he made aunswere to Gineura as foloweth.

  15. And moreouer they besoughte hys maiestie to graunte them aunswere with breuity, and good dispatch of theyr attourneys, who departed from the porte of Aguiahuistlan in a reasonable shippe the twenty sixe day of July, Anno .

  16. They aunswered that Mutezuma caused them to be murthered, who had likewise taken the spoyle, and that the Citizens of Tezcuco were not culpable in that fact, and with this aunswere they returned.

  17. With this aunswere Cortes wente to Mutezuma, who sayde vnto him, Senior Captayne, you shall vnderstande that now you haue Shippes wherein you may departe, therefore now at your pleasure make you ready.

  18. Cortez went vp into a Tower to descry the Countrey, and there espyed a moste greate population: he then demaunded what it was: aunswere was made that it was called Tlaxcallan, and the Townes therevnto apperteynyng.

  19. The Indians hearyng theyr request, promised to shewe theyr message to the Townesmen, and woulde also returne with theyr aunswere and vittayles, and so departed.

  20. The Ambassadors excused their maisters cause, besieching him to withdrawe hys furie, and to giue licence to one of them to goe to Mexico, who woulde bryng aunswere from thence with all spéede.

  21. I will inforce my self to satisfie you, I will not answere now distinctly to your questions: for that whileste I shall aunswere to one, many tymes it will come to passe, that I muste aunswere to an other.

  22. As he is, my lorde, To aunswere everye thynge your abusd nature, The mallyce of thys slave or of the world, Can charge me with.

  23. Prince Alberdure, my great desire to aunswere The greatnes of your birth and high deserts With entertainment fitting to your state Makes althings seem too humble for your presence.

  24. Him oft and oft I askt in priuitie, 6 Of what loines and what lignage I did spring: Whose aunswere bad me still assured bee, 8 That I was sonne and heire vnto a king, As time in her iust terme the truth to light should bring.

  25. Dye, or thy selfe my captiue yield for ay; Great fauour I thee graunt, for aunswere thus to stay.

  26. At the least aunswere me to this: whether is it a better sight for a Vine to lye vppon the grounde and rot, or the same to embrace a poale, or an elme, and lode it full with purple grapes?

  27. But aunswere me to this againe, loue you with your wil, or against your wyll?

  28. Now sir aunswere me to this againe, whether is it a more pleasant sight a Rose trim and milkewhite, yet growing on his stalk, or the same plucked with the hande, and by little and little withering awaye?

  29. Vnto this argument I aunswere thus: hée dooth this for his owne aduantage.

  30. By the aunswere of Pollio the Romaine vnto Augustus Emperour, we may euidently learn, that the Mulse made of hony, is healthfull drinke in strengthning the bodie.

  31. What, would you have us to burie him, and to aunswere 430 it our selves to the parrishe?

  32. Then when aunswere is made that it may not bee, 35 O death why commest thou not?

  33. Maister Roister Doister must have aunswere in haste For he loveth not to spende much labour in waste.

  34. And ye will not beleve what they say in the streete, 115 When your mashyp passeth by all such as I meete, That sometimes I can scarce finde what aunswere to make.

  35. And so as well as I can I aunswere them all.

  36. Before the terme of ten dayes be expired, When as they looke for aunswere of their loves, 100 My lord will come to merry Frisingfield, And end their fancies and their follies both.

  37. The Consul Rutulus hath sayed mutch vnto mee in your behalfe, and hath saluted me for the people, hee himselfe shall bring aunswere and shal salute you al in my name.

  38. The aunswere of the Emperour Traiane to hys mayster Plutarch.

  39. To whom the Gentlemen made the same aunswere that they had done before to maister Thorello.

  40. Nowe Emerentiana, whiche earnestly had marked those sweet and pleasaunt woordes, like a wyse gentlewoman, semed to geue no eare thereunto, and made him no aunswere at all.

  41. The Queene Zenobia hauinge reade the letter of the Emperour Aurelianus, without feare of the contents, incontinently made sutch aunswere as followeth.

  42. The aunswere to this obiection, will minister matter to declaime vpon.

  43. Why (quoth the Earle of Huntly) hast thou not a Judge good enough; and trowest thou that we know not God and his worde; Aunswere to that is spoken to thee: and then they made the accuser speake the same thyng ouer agayne.

  44. The Countesse seing the king thus moued, not knowing the cause whye, was vncertaine what aunswere to make.

  45. The siege of Rome by Porsenna, and the valiaunt deliuerie thereof by Mutius Scæuola, with his stoute aunswere vnto the kinge.

  46. For this cause the Lady Isabel desired greatly in passing by to see her, to know whether truth did aunswere the great renowne of her beauty.

  47. Wherefore, to make a wise and discrete aunswere that he might not be ouer shotte, he sharpened his wittes, and sodainly came into His remembraunce this aunswere.

  48. The honest and maruellous loue of a mayden of noble house, and of a gentleman that was base borne, and howe a Queene did impeche and let their mariage, with the wise aunswere of the mayde to the Queene.

  49. To this question if he will aunswere trewe Englishe, he must aunswere no and not nay.

  50. To this questyon asked in thys wyse, yf he will aunswere true Englishe, he must aunswere ye and not yes.

  51. To thys question in thys fashion framed if he will aunswere trewe Englishe he may not aunswere ye but he must answere yes, and say yes marry be they, bothe the translation and the translatour, and al that wyll hold wyth them.

  52. Englishe, he must aunswere nay and not no.

  53. And ye will not beleue what they say in the streete, When your mashyp passeth by all such as I meete, That sometimes I can scarce finde what aunswere to make.

  54. Then when aunswere is made that it may not bee, O death why commest thou not?

  55. Maister Roister Doister must haue aunswere in haste For he loueth not to spende much labour in waste.

  56. One of his witnesses would not aunswere any thing for him vntill he were payd his charges in the face of the court.

  57. Mr. Curle demaunded of Wake a marke which he layd out for him when they rede with the reader; his aunswere was he lived upon exhibicion, he could not tell whether his friends would allowe him soe much for that purpose.

  58. And for thys ambiguous aunswere they were reserued by their Parents.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aunswere" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.