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Example sentences for "fulle"

Lexicographically close words:
fulfyll; fulgent; fuliginous; full; fullback; fulled; fuller; fullered; fullers; fullest
  1. For whan they mowe here the briddes singe, And see the floures and the leves springe, That bringeth into hertes remembraunce A maner ese, medled with grevaunce, And lusty thoughtes fulle of greet longinge.

  2. And sche was but wyth few of that rowght; For dame slowthe and dame veyne glory By vyolens had put her owte; And than in my hert I was fulle sory.

  3. Jhesu mercy, Jhesu gramercy, Jhesu for thy mercy, Jhesu as I trust to thy mercy, Jhesu as thow art fulle of mercy, Jhesu have mercy on me and alle mankynde redemyd with thy precyouse blode.

  4. And in that place fulle besyly I walked whyle I myght enduer, And saw how dame enevy In every corner had grete cure; Sche bare the keyes of many a dore.

  5. Edwarde, withe a fulle grete ost of multitude of peple well defensid in Guien.

  6. In example, of the fulle noble jorney late had in the yere of Crist M^l.

  7. A fulle noble historie how that Camillus the duke of Rome wolde use justice in his conquest.

  8. I have be credibly enfourmed by tho as were present in bateile withe the fulle noble and victorius prince of renomme king Henry the .

  9. Throughe our Yngglyshe archery gave many a wounde fulle wyde; Many a doughty they garde to dy, which ganyde them no pryde.

  10. These worthy freckys for to fyght, ther-to they were fulle fayne, Tylle the bloode out off their basnetes sprente, as ever dyd hail or rayn.

  11. Oh then call'd oute kynge Davyd, And fulle of woe spake hee: "And ever I hold those Bruces false, For muche they owe to mee.

  12. Stande thou on yonder rising hylle, Fulle safe I weene the syte: And from thence oh marke thee well my creste In all the thickeste fighte.

  13. Oh then prynce Henrye sad dyd sighe, Hys hearte alle fulle of woe: That haplesse prince ybeate hys breaste, And faste hys teares 'gan flowe.

  14. Nowe bucklers rang 'gainst swordes and speares, And arrows dimn'd the playne; And manye a warrioure laye fulle lowe, And manye a chiefe was slayne.

  15. The Englishe keepe the bloodye fielde, Fulle manye a Scott is slayne, But lyves prynce Henrye?

  16. Alle that cuntrey was fulle fayne, 640 That he homeward was comyn ageyne.

  17. My lord the kyng hath me hight, That thou shalt wed me, s{ir} knyght, The fforward ye to fulle ffyAEsAEs.

  18. And he hathe born before him also a vesselle of silver, fulle of noble jewelles of gold fulle riche, and of precious stones, in tokene of his lordschipe and of his noblesse and of his myght.

  19. And this lond is fulle gode and ryche; but not so riche as is the lond of the grete Chane.

  20. There is fulle streyt and dangerous passage, for to go toward Ynde.

  21. The kyng of that yle is fulle ryche and fulle myghty: and natheles he holt his lond of the grete Chane, and is obeyssant to hym.

  22. Toward the est partye of Prestre Johnes lond, is an yle gode an gret, that men clepen Taprobane, that is fulle noble and fulle fructuous: and the kyng thereof is fulle ryche, and is undre the obeyssance of Prestre John.

  23. And also in the see, he hathe fulle manye yles.

  24. And he hathe born before him also a plater of gold fulle of erthe, in tokene that his noblesse and his myghte and his flessche schalle turnen to erthe.

  25. And thanne aftre is Armenye, in the which weren wont to ben 4 kyngdomes: that is a noble contree, and fulle of godes.

  26. Thei lyven fulle wrecched liche; and thei eten but ones in the day, and that but lyttle, nouther in courtes ne in other places.

  27. And the sydes of the sege of his throne ben of emeraudes, and bordured with gold fulle nobely, and dubbed with other precious stones and grete perles.

  28. And the beste cytee in the yle of Pentexoire is Nyse, that is a fulle ryalle cytee and a noble, and fulle riche.

  29. After men setten him upon a blak stede, and so men bryngen him to a cheyere fulle richely arrayed, and there thei crownen hym.

  30. Forthe thei went these zemen too, Litul Johne and Moche onfere, And lokid on Moche emys hows The hyeway lay fulle nere.

  31. God yow saue, my lege kyng," To speke Johne was fulle bolde; 215 He gaf hym the letturs in his hond, The kyng did hit unfold.

  32. Litulle Johne has begyled vs bothe, And that fulle wel I se, 335 Or ellis the schereff of Notyngham Hye hongut shuld he be.

  33. Pluk vp thi hert, my dere mayster," Litulle Johne can sey, "And thynk hit is a fulle fayre tyme In a mornynge of may.

  34. Thus was he Pope canonized, With gret honour and intronized, And upon chance as it is falle, His name Celestin men calle; Which notefied was be bulle To holi cherche and to the fulle In alle londes magnified.

  35. Thus be thei fulle bothe tuo, So that erliche upon a day He bad withinne, ther he lay, Ther scholde be tofore his bed A bord upset and faire spred; And thanne he let the cofres fette, Upon the bord and dede hem sette.

  36. Bot I wot wel ther is non so: And natheles it may wel be, I am so rude in my degree And ek mi wittes ben so dulle, That I ne mai noght to the fulle Atteigne to so hih a lore.

  37. Bot yit is noght mi feste al plein, Bot al of woldes and of wisshes, Therof have I my fulle disshes, Bot as of fielinge and of tast, Yit mihte I nevere have o repast.

  38. So cler and so light it was · that joye thare was i-nogh; Treon thare weren fulle of fruyt · wel thicke ever-ech bough .

  39. Trevisa: "Englonde is fulle of myrthe and of game and men oft tymes able to myrth and game, free men of harte and with tongue, but the honde is more better and more free than the tongue.

  40. He of his xij Dosiperes was sore dismayed, lamenting for his His herte woxe right fulle of ca[rh].

  41. Fille it fulle of wate[rh] cle[rh], For Baptysed shalle he be.

  42. The Saresyns saughe Laban take, for Ferumbras, who Thay fledden̄ away fulle faste.

  43. While þay haue vitayle to mele, castle is strong and Kepen̄ it thay wole fulle longe.

  44. By a Chemney he wente inne; Fulle stilly there he soughte it.

  45. In Ire he smote Mahounde, and smites Mahound so That was of goolde fulle rede, 2508 that he fell on his That he fille down̄ to the grounde, face; As he hade bene dede.

  46. The rhyme as well as the context shows that the true reading is: “Olyver him hitte again Upon the hede than fulle sone He carfe awaye with myght and mayne The cercle that sate uppon his crowne.

  47. Kinge Charles he forgate nought King Charles advanced To come to reskowe Rome, 724 to rescue Rome with Alle his Doȝypers were I-sought, his douzepeers Fulle sone to him thay come.

  48. In Rome I lived in fame fulle threescore yeeres, 5 My name beloved was of all my peeres; Full five and twenty valiant sonnes I had, Whose forwarde vertues made their father glad.

  49. Uppon the morowe, when it was daye, 25 The standards schone fulle bryght; To the Newe Castelle the toke the waye, And thether they cam fulle ryght.

  50. The Streets have displeased me, being soe fulle of Men; however, in a close Hoode I have accompanied her sundrie Times.

  51. Father came Home fulle of the Rebels' Doings, but as for me, I shoulde hear them thundering at our Gate with Apathie, except insofar as I feared their distressing Robin.

  52. Quoth she, I have loved thee, little Musgrave, Fulle long and manye a daye.

  53. To hail the king in seemelye sorte This ladye was fulle faine; But king Arthure all sore amaz'd, No aunswere made againe.

  54. To bowe to him I was fulle faine, And yielde mee to his hand: And but for a lothly ladye, there 15 I sholde have lost my land.

  55. And Troilus, al nere his herte light, He peyned him with al his fulle might 75 Him to with-holde of wepinge at the leste, And Antenor he kiste, and made feste.

  56. And day by day he gan enquere and seche A sooth of this, with al his fulle cure; And thus he dryeth forth his aventure.

  57. God woot, that he it grauntede anon-right, To been hir fulle freend with al his might.

  58. Than shal she been evene atte fulle alway, And spring-flood laste bothe night and day.

  59. In Rome I lived in fame fulle threescore yeeres, 5 My name beloved was of all my peeres; Fulle five-and-twenty valiant sonnes I had, Whose forwarde vertues made their father glad.

  60. Thise wordes seide she, and with the lappe of hir garment, y-plyted in a frounce, she dryede myn eyen, that weren fulle of the wawes 20 of my wepinges.

  61. Now whan thou were riche and weleful, as thee semede, with how mochel woldest thou han bought the fulle knowinge of this, that is to seyn, 30 the knowinge of thy verray freendes?

  62. Ynde "the clusters of grapes ben so grete and so fulle of muste, that two men ben gretly charged to bere one of them only upon a cole-staff.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fulle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.