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Example sentences for "hearte"

Lexicographically close words:
heartbreak; heartbreaking; heartbroken; heartburn; heartburnings; hearted; heartedly; heartedness; hearten; heartened
  1. Yf thair be not in hir (said he) a proud mynd, a crafty witt, and ane indurat hearte against God and his treuth, my judgment faileth me.

  2. But how strange a confession of a nobleman from whom we at all times expect bravery: 'For want of judgement our hearte fails us.

  3. In my Legend of Martyrs may men find (Whoso that liketh therein for to read) That oathis ne behest may man not bind Of reprovable shame have they no dread In manis hearte truth ne hath no stead.

  4. O, every man ought have a hearte tender Unto woman, and deem her honourable; Whether her shape be thick, or else slender, Or she be good or bad!

  5. They wist how softily they could assail Them; and what falsehood they in hearte meant: And thus they Clerkis in their danger hent, With one venom, another is destroyed!

  6. Yet a noble courage, and the hearte of a man Should more honour winne by bearyng with a woman.

  7. Heigh how, alas, the pangs of death my hearte do breake.

  8. But who commeth forth yond from my swete hearte Custance?

  9. Thys poyson I send hir with so dolefull Message, as my poore hearte (God knoweth) doth only fele the smart, being the most sorowfull present that euer was offred to any fayre Lady.

  10. In whom had obedyence ruled, and reason taken place, the hearte myght haue bene satisfied, the parent wel pleased: the life ioyfully spent, and the posteritie successively tast the fruits that elders haue prepared.

  11. Yet a noble courage, and the hearte of a man.

  12. So I wil even goe to Sleepe, y^t in my Dreames perchaunce my Fancie maye do my Hearte better Service.

  13. With gold men may the hearte grave.

  14. This sturdy marquis gan his hearte dress To rue upon her wifely steadfastness.

  15. Footnote 40: Who, exclaims the wife of Bath, could imagine The woe that in mine hearte was and pine?

  16. Doo you then thyncke that anye affliction or tourment can disquiet those that prepare them selues wyth a chearful hearte and a stedfast hoope vnto the kyngedome of God, wher as the course of this lyfe is nowe so shorte?

  17. Swelleth the breast of Arcite and the sore Increaseth at his hearte more and more.

  18. This parish clerk, this jolly Absolon, Hath in his hearte such a love-longing!

  19. And thus with good hope and with hearte blithe They take their leave, and homeward gan they ride To Thebes-ward, with his old walles wide.

  20. I have no language to tell Th'effecte, nor the torment of mine hell; Mine hearte may mine harmes not betray; I am so confused, that I cannot say.

  21. Because he was of carpenteres craft, A little ire is in his hearte laft*; *left He gan to grudge* and blamed it a lite.

  22. Anon he was y-borne out of the place With hearte sore, to Theseus' palace.

  23. This gentle Duke down from his courser start With hearte piteous, when he heard them speak.

  24. The death he feeleth through his hearte smite; He weepeth, waileth, crieth piteously; To slay himself he waiteth privily.

  25. This sturdy marquis gan his hearte dress To rue upon her wifely steadfastness.

  26. God loved he best with all his whole hearte At alle times, though him gamed or smarte.

  27. Among the gentle nation Love is an occupation Which, for to keep his lustes save, Should every gentle hearte have.

  28. All this I put in his servage As to my lord, and did homage, And full devoutly prayed him-to, He should beset mine hearte so That it plesaunce to him were, And worship to my lady dear.

  29. Unto this day it doth mine hearte boot That I have had my world as in my time!

  30. And I love it, and ever y-like new, And ever shall, till that mine hearte die.

  31. For a small sparcle may kindle love certayne, But skantly Severne may quench it clene againe; And beautie blindeth and causeth man to set His hearte on the thing which he shall never get.

  32. And to the strande barefoot fast she went, And criede: "Theseus, mine hearte sweet!

  33. But manye a sighe adds to the wynde, And many a teare to the show're, And manye a bleedyng hearte hath broke, For the battle of Cuton Moore.

  34. And stryve to cheare that lovelye mayde In alle her griefe and care: For well I knowe her gentle hearte Dyd ever holde mee deare.

  35. Fayre Alice she sat her on the grounde, And never a worde shee spake; But like the pale image dyd shee looke, For her hearte was nighe to breake.

  36. She answered not, but heav'd a sighe, That spoke her hearte felte woe.

  37. Oh then prynce Henrye sad dyd sighe, Hys hearte alle fulle of woe: That haplesse prince ybeate hys breaste, And faste hys teares 'gan flowe.

  38. And more my hearte is woo'd, That soe manye warriours young and brave Muste thys daye shed theyr bloode!

  39. Oh then bespake that noble kyng, And with griefe hys hearte was woo'd: "And ever I mourne that yon fayre streame Shoulde be swell'd with human bloode!

  40. Fayre Alice was gone to the holye kirke, With a sad hearte dyd shee goe; And ever soe faste dyd she crye to heav'n, "Prynce Henrye save from woe.

  41. They feared death, but yet wanted not stomacke and hearte to dye.

  42. Truly the poore simple soule was of small hearte and courage, to suffer himselfe to be taken prisoner, and after his imprisonment woulde neuer procure libertie, Cortes offering it vnto him, and many of his noble men desiring him.

  43. I am therefore wyllyng to bydde them hyther, and to make them so good cheare, as wyth all theyr Hearte they made me when I was wyth them.

  44. Doth your hearte faile you in that matter?

  45. But these honors be nothyng worth, where the Mynd is voyd of contentation, and wher the hearte pryckte forwarde by desire leaueth the Bodye and Mynde restlesse wythout quiet.

  46. Alas death, why dost thou not throwe against my hearte thy most pearcing dart, that I may goe waite vpon the shadowes of my thryce happy Parents, who knowing this my gryefe, wyll not be voide of passion to helpe me wayle my woefull state.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hearte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    hearted fellow; hearted gentlemen; hearted girl; hearted woman