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Example sentences for "ineluctable"

Lexicographically close words:
inelegance; inelegant; inelegantly; ineligibility; ineligible; inen; inept; ineptitude; inequalities; inequality
  1. This explains the garlands of spintrian gasteropodes which one sees realizing innocently and according to the ineluctable wish of nature, carnal imaginations that have been the boast of erotic humanity.

  2. It is so pure, so immaterial, one would say that two ideas joined in the limpidity of ineluctable thought.

  3. Seldom indeed do such bonds hold tyrants, but it is this generation's indelible brand and bane, that without this they have come under the yoke of ineluctable slavery, and have entailed it upon posterity.

  4. It met with much opposition from the purists, yet it recognizes the ineluctable course of speech.

  5. Into the ineluctable modality of the ineluctable visuality.

  6. Ineluctable modality of the visible: at least that if no more, thought through my eyes.

  7. Exactly: and that is the ineluctable modality of the audible.

  8. It was still disconcerting since it was both odd and distantly familiar simultaneously, a combination that made him feel flushed down the toilet portals of ineluctable memory.

  9. Although a normal, reflexive reaction would have been to feel startled especially after having noticed the signs and fearing the next touch of the unknown to be his ineluctable death, he just smiled.

  10. Likewise, thoughts repudiating the naked truth that killing was as ineluctable and natural in a being as its own breath, contravened any degree of understanding of the life that the fates circumscribed man to have.

  11. And for whatever activities he might devise as distractions from his thoughts, fears of the vacuous nature of existence would always be man's ineluctable truth, and without agenda vacuous truth was his in excess.

  12. Then, to avoid thinking of man's insignificance, he returned to a sexual theme, that personal sanctuary, as ineluctable appetites constituted so much of his mental faculties and preoccupations.

  13. The one ineluctable fact in the universe is the incomprehensibility and all-inclusivity of one-ness.

  14. And from this latter shall grow up, as one of the inevitable and ineluctable tendencies of the Thinker's consciousness a torrentious movement in human society towards cooperation, brotherhood, mutuality and union in everything.

  15. Happy as she was or was not on this day of her birth, she could not deny the fact that the ineluctable stirring of memory was scathing her.

  16. The ineluctable vastness and sadness of life oppress him.

  17. To make a four-square of ineluctable fate she is flanked on either side by her mediocre husband and the devoted bore, Thea Rysing--Elvsted.

  18. I am so bad that I am fleeing in a day or two--as I hope you will have been doing if your ineluctable fate doesn't spare you.

  19. So you see the ineluctable dignity in store for me.

  20. He was in the grip of ineluctable forces, of a power beyond himself.

  21. But he knew that he was down, and that the ineluctable forces were killing him.

  22. But even that seemed to be related to other strange, ineluctable forces which lay deep down at the root of his being, in the center of which was the thing he called himself.

  23. Confine a boundless possible within The prison of an ineluctable Now?

  24. So he stood, unstable, vacillating and a treacherous groper amidst cruel shards of an ineluctable memory, powerless to stay the fair phantom and fearful of looking night squarely in the front.

  25. It was easier to repeat half-comprehended phrases about a struggle for existence and the survival of the fittest than to attack the disorder which is the ineluctable and eternal result of antagonism.

  26. Towards the Ocean, yes, towards the ineluctable abyss?

  27. Although pleasure follows, it is an obedience to the ineluctable commands governing animated life.

  28. Sara Law herself lost an indefinable proportion of her rare and provoking charm; the strangeness of failing to hold her audience in an ineluctable grasp seemed at once to nettle and distress her.

  29. The business bound his imagination with an ineluctable fascination.

  30. She liked Evanthia because she had that ineluctable quality of transfiguring an act into a grandiose gesture.

  31. Someone was singing, a full youthful voice of brazen vibrant quality, a voice with an ineluctable and derisive challenge to confident hearts.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ineluctable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.