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Example sentences for "live upon"

  • In the sugar-growing districts of Louisiana the colored and white people live upon terms of friendship and cordiality.

  • It is too poor for grazing, so the people who have been driven from the better lands are allowed to live upon it--as long as they pay their rent.

  • For the man who owns the soil largely owns and dictates to the men who are compelled to live upon it and derive their subsistence from it.

  • In order, however, that we may be able to wait and to do each kind of work at the best time, we must have enough #capital# to live upon in the meantime.

  • Certain it is that we cannot have loaves of bread, and knives and forks, and keep ourselves warm with clothes and brick houses, unless we have a stock of capital to live upon while we are making all these things.

  • Political economy proves that, instead of giving casual ill-considered alms, we should educate people, teach them to work and earn their own livings, and save up something to live upon in old age.

  • Men work very hard on a farm and raise crops; the landlord comes and takes away a large part as rent, so that the labourers have barely enough to live upon.

  • He reigned despotically in the hotel, went out a great deal, never came in until midnight, and seemed to have no capital to live upon, save his military titles, and a talent for carrying out whatever was undertaken for his own benefit.

  • But the Clamerans are poor; my brother died on a pallet in a lodging-house; and I have only an income of twelve hundred francs to live upon.

  • He was penniless; how could he live here when he had nothing to live upon?

  • But, Ruby, you would never care to live upon a miserable pittance of three hundred a year!

  • Milly's money will just be enough for us to live upon until I can scrape together a practice, and she has confidence enough in me to believe that in the end I shall manage to get one.

  • I don't think; I know it is because the great God has made one sort of creature to be easily fed, and made good for poor people to live upon," said Miss Fosbrook.

  • We shall have enough to live upon in a village near L'Houmeau, where the Cointets' paper-mill stands.

  • As he reached Postel's shop, he bethought himself that if all other means failed, he could borrow enough to live upon for a year from his father's successor.

  • It is time that we took her business under our own control, by giving her enough work to live upon; we might find a real competitor in David's successor; it is in our interest to keep an eye upon that workshop.

  • Do you think she has enough to live upon?

  • And there's no bother about work in life; they will have enough to live upon--just enough.

  • I had better tell you at once--Mamma will have enough to live upon, however things turn out.

  • And so I gave her only a little money, only enough to live upon in the simplest way.

  • These are things that we cannot do--and neither need we, as we have enough to live upon without it.

  • At length he said-- "Yes, enough to live upon, I daresay you have.

  • And this being a truth, as it is, then none ought to be Lords and Land Lords over another, but the Earth is free to every son and daughter of mankind to live upon.

  • We have some reason; Things compass'd without fear or eminent danger, Are too luxurious sir to live upon.

  • How this was done, they only can know who have resolutely, from necessity, made the same experiment, and found that the real amount necessary to live upon is much smaller than is usually supposed.

  • So far, I have only been able to pick up five or six dollars a week, and it takes all that to live upon.

  • Consequently, the people owe him a debt of gratitude for permitting them to live upon it.

  • What he means is, not that people if they are fond of each other ought to marry at once when they have got nothing to live upon, but that they ought to tell each other so, and then be content to wait.

  • I shall expect you to live upon mine, and to grow fat on them.

  • Why, what did you suppose you were to live upon?

  • Besides, had there been nothing at all, it would not have made the least difference to me, for as I can earn enough to live upon, what do I want with more?

  • However, he did not fret about it; he had enough to live upon, and as he did not stand out for high salaries he was never long out of work.

  • Why, Dolly, I have learned to be easily contented, and you see at present I live upon you.

  • The fact is, if a young man is naturally indolent, the spur of necessity will drive him but a very little way, while the having enough to live upon is often the means of preserving his self-respect.

  • He remembers to have read about a man on his deathbed, who calls his children about him and thanks God, though he has left them nothing to live upon, he has given them a good education, and tries to extract comfort from the reminiscence.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "live upon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    against thee; bank note; eight months; general ticket; her marriage; live again; live alone; live and; live coal; live for; live forever; live happily; live here; live steam; live through; lived here; lived together; livery stable; lives lost; livestock raising; moment more; never been; other good; outward bound; would thou; your old