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Example sentences for "make inquiries"

  • Suspecting something, he sent an old woman to make inquiries; and she at once recognised her late young mistress's features, and went back and reported to her master.

  • They were very much disconcerted at this, not knowing that he had become a spirit, and rushed out into the village to make inquiries, when they heard he was already dead.

  • To go straight to the house might result in painful embarrassments; it would at all events be better first to make inquiries elsewhere.

  • I was coming to make inquiries,' she said.

  • The Baxendales send daily to make inquiries, and I am afraid the latest news is anything but hopeful.

  • They pretended to make inquiries, and they lied to me.

  • So I began to make inquiries," continued Challoner.

  • But--well, it's not so easy to have done with people when they are your own flesh and blood, and after a time I began to make inquiries.

  • The next day we steamed up to London again to make inquiries at Gibraltar Terrace.

  • Abel Carew, never having had news of Ketira since her departure, went to them to make inquiries.

  • Moreover, Emilia had no relatives who cared to make inquiries.

  • But I am bound to make inquiries in every direction, and of course, if Mr. Saxon is of a passionate temper, he might wish to avenge himself for being forbidden the house.

  • The people, when I went in to make inquiries, were all strangers to me.

  • He locked the door again, in the fear that Allan might rise earlier than usual and come in to make inquiries.

  • He left Allan dozing on the grass, and went to the house to make inquiries.

  • Midwinter readily agreeing, they went back to the hotel to make inquiries.

  • For these reasons I felt convinced in my own mind that when we went ashore to make inquiries we should find our bird flown.

  • Passing through a rocky gully, they noticed the smoke of a camp fire floating up into the still night air, and rode up to make inquiries.

  • I dare say that many persons will make inquiries about me, madame, and you can tell them just what you like.

  • Under pain of being thought unmannerly he was bound to make inquiries as to the results of the accident on my health and that of Nais.

  • Victorin and Celestine had that very morning sent Lisbeth to make inquiries as to the marriage of the fascinating widow to the Mayor of Paris, now a member of the Common Council of the Department of Seine-et-Oise.

  • Make inquiries, but leave me to row my own boat.

  • The truth was they considered that I had heard of the murder of the prisoner committed to the care of Suleiman, and that I had sent the colonel and his party to make inquiries.

  • I immediately sent a boat to make inquiries, as one of our native girls understood the language.

  • I had told Umbogo to make inquiries as to the safety of little Cherri-Merri.

  • We wasted about an hour during the night in stopping to make inquiries.

  • Stirred by reproach of conscience, he had at length gone to make inquiries; but the name of Potts was no longer over the shop.

  • With this old friend, who in Will's eyes looked no older now than when he first knew him in early childhood, they talked freely of the Applegarth business, and Mr. Turnbull promised to make inquiries at once.

  • He promised to make inquiries, and here at once comes the nicest girl I've seen for a long time.

  • I am going down to the station to make inquiries, and they fancy she may have taken the train to London.

  • While on his way to make inquiries in the village, he met his sister returning.

  • Then the idea struck me that it would be as well to ask if they had been seen on the quays, and I sent off a fresh batch of men to make inquiries.

  • The detectives had started out to make inquiries on their own account, taking with them a hanger on at the hotel who spoke English.

  • Then he repeated to himself, "Make inquiries!

  • As he approached the little town of Portobello, the Colonel diverged from his road, and went to make inquiries of kindness for an old friend.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "make inquiries" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    grand procession; indeed true; make another; make arrangements; make believe; make bread; make contracts; make discoveries; make game; make haste; make his; make more; make myself; make ourselves; make people; make sail; make speeches; make themselves; make three; make trouble; make trouble; make what; make white; makes mention; strong fort; twenty shillings