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Example sentences for "manzanilla"

Lexicographically close words:
manuum; manward; many; manye; manys; manzanita; mao; map; mapa; maple
  1. Natives talk in a drawling sing-song, chew tobacco and gum, and drink Manzanilla and Vermouth mixed, icing the drink.

  2. Double allowance of Manzanilla served round to-day.

  3. I ordered the allowance of liquor to be altered, serving the ship's company one-fourth of their allowance in Manzanilla and the other three-fourths in brandy.

  4. No old men mumbled endless talk in the cold sun beneath the cork-oak in the center; no shawled manzanilleros strode by with panniers of the white-flowered manzanilla upon their backs.

  5. He did not wait to borrow one of the village mules which the serranos used to sleigh their cords of pine down to the lower torrents and to carry their panniers of white-flowered manzanilla into the towns of the plains.

  6. But too persistently and too long, altogether too long, had the trees been cut down and the manzanilla harvested.

  7. There are only mules and borricos which the serranos use to sleigh their cords of pine down to the lower torrents, and to carry their panniers of white manzanilla into the towns.

  8. On the edge of a vast prairie, dotted with manzanilla bushes and other shrubs, there rose a score of gigantic trees which could have even borne comparison with the same species in the forests of California.

  9. By the way, the real thing to eat with Manzanilla is the alpistera.

  10. The very best Manzanilla is to be had in London of Messrs.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "manzanilla" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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