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Example sentences for "sleigh"

Lexicographically close words:
sleety; sleeve; sleeved; sleeveless; sleeves; sleighbells; sleighing; sleighride; sleighs; sleight
  1. So I hitched up Ned and Dick on an old sleigh of Sours's and took a good lot to each place from the sheds at the railroad.

  2. I looked out of the window and saw that the sleigh was in front of the bank with a pair of the outlaws' horses hitched to it.

  3. Reckon if you ain't particular we'll just borrow a sleigh we see out here and a set of Sours's harness for a couple of our horses when we go away, 'cause we think the specie may be a little heavy.

  4. And I can play part of ‘The Merry Sleigh Ride.

  5. But plucking up her courage, she began to play the first measure of “The Merry Sleigh Ride.

  6. Tacitus tells us that after a defeat of the Chatti, their conquerors sacrificed horses, ate their flesh, and hung up their heads in trees, or affixed them to poles, as offerings to Wuotan.

  7. The story told to account for them is this.

  8. So, after the defeat of Varus and his legions, when Cæcina visited the scene of the disaster, he found the heads of the horses affixed to the branches and trunks of the trees.

  9. The first storyteller told of a voyage she had taken as a child with her parents, and the second described a winter sleigh ride along a country lane.

  10. The Sunday after I was born, my Dad hooked ol' Dobbin to the sleigh to take us all to.

  11. Mr. Simpson was absent from the home circle for the moment because he had exchanged the Widow Rideout's sleigh for Joseph Goodwin's plough.

  12. You must wear your chain this afternoon, please, and let me see it on your neck, for I am coming over in my new sleigh to take you both to drive.

  13. It was at this juncture that the Widow Rideout missed her sleigh from the old carriage house.

  14. She was bringing her husband's body in a sleigh to the railway here.

  15. She and the driver of the sleigh went down in the blizzard.

  16. But, pleasant as the sleigh-ride is, the man who looks for health and exercise at all seasons, turns from the seductive pleasures of the sleigh to the more simple enjoyment derived from the skates.

  17. The air was so full of the whirling white particles that from the farther end of the sleigh one could barely see the horses.

  18. Just got out of the sleigh and waded away toward a thick growth of underbrush along the side of the road.

  19. Just's teeth, as the sleigh reached the end of the suburban streets and made the turn upon the open country road.

  20. By the time the livery-stable had been awakened from its early morning apathy, and had sent round the double sleigh with the best pair of horses in its stalls, the party was ready.

  21. That clump of trees doesn't look natural just there," said one, standing up in the sleigh and trying to peer through the wall of snowflakes.

  22. All at once, without warning, the horses plunged heavily and solidly to their steaming shoulders into an undreamed-of ditch, and the sleigh stopped, well into the same hole.

  23. Is that the sleigh coming up the street now, with all those horns?

  24. The skis, through the eddying snow, yelled frantically to the sleigh to give room.

  25. The sleigh arrived at the point first, but only by a trifle.

  26. In the stables Denry saw the Countess's hired sleigh and horse, and in the sleigh her glowing red cloak.

  27. But the skis, making a straight line down the snow, acquired the speed of an express, and gained on the sleigh one yard in every three.

  28. She heard the sleigh-bells, but the sleigh had already vanished into the dusk.

  29. And the Clutterbucks, with incredible assurance, slid their luggage off in a sleigh to the Métropole, in the full light of day, amid the contempt of the faithful.

  30. V The Countess Ruhl had a large sleigh of her own, also a horse; both were hired from Montreux.

  31. In the sleigh of the Sky Pilot antiseptic bandages and a few medicines are carried.

  32. His sleigh is often converted into an ambulance and men who have met with accidents are carried to the nearest hospital for treatment.

  33. As the sleigh bells jingled and the "colt" loped easily along, Mrs. Lane leaned back as if the motion and jolly sound expressed her own feelings admirably, and the miles flew swiftly by.

  34. The sleigh soon halted at the foot of a vast wooden house.

  35. This conversation between the uncle and nephew was interrupted by the sound of a horse's hoofs, dragging a sleigh rapidly toward the door of the house.

  36. At dusk he stepped wearily from his sleigh and mounted the steps that led to the porch of Bannerhall.

  37. He had not caught the remotest glimpse of such a boy when his sleigh drew up at Enos Walker's gate.

  38. He came out to the sleigh and greeted the occupant of it cordially.

  39. But it was hard traveling on the road to-day, especially with a burden to carry, and Pen was glad when Henry Cobb, a neighbor of Grandpa Walker, came along with horse and sleigh and invited him to ride.

  40. At three o'clock he entered his sleigh and directed his driver to proceed with all reasonable haste to Cobb's Corners.

  41. Later he changed the order, and directed that his team and two-seated sleigh be brought to the door.

  42. I remember, in my early youth, a coloured plate depicting a snow scene and a sleigh being hotly pursued at full gallop by a pack of hungry and savage-looking wolves.

  43. Twice our sleigh was run away with, and once de Clinchamp and myself were thrown with unpleasant force on to hard black ice.

  44. A Yakute sleigh has a pair of runners, but otherwise totally differs from any other sleigh in the wide world.

  45. But the simile is weak, for there is a vast difference between an open sleigh and a sleeping-car.

  46. He had clung like grim death to the pole, or the heavy sleigh must have crushed him.

  47. It was not easy to make a selection from the score of ramshackle kibitkas which were hauled out for my inspection, especially as I had a very faint notion of the kind of sleigh required for the work in hand.

  48. In anything but a Yakute sleigh we should have been in an earthly paradise.

  49. In the sleigh was a Cossack pale with terror, with a baby in his teeth and a pistol in each hand.

  50. At first sight, the Yakute sleigh appears to be a clumsy but comfortable contrivance, but very few miles had been covered before I discovered its unlimited powers of inflicting pain.

  51. Wonder if Rainy-Moon has got the sleigh loaded.

  52. Now the sleigh was near enough for them to note the truth of Peter's statement.

  53. A moment later and the sleigh disappeared over the brow of the hill.

  54. Journeys were chiefly taken in parties; and the amount of snugness obtained in the bottom of a box-sleigh would be surprising to those without such experience.

  55. The off-side horse jumped sideways against its companion, and the sleigh was within an ace of fouling the trees.

  56. The frantic animals fell, recovered themselves, and floundered on, then with a great jolt the sleigh turned over.

  57. The onlookers wondered and exclaimed, their gaze alternating in amazement between the two objects, the oncoming sleigh and the huge lurching figure of the boy.

  58. Marcus Wilkeson obstinately refused to participate in this projected grand tour; which refusal was too bad, said Overtop, because the fourth seat in the double sleigh that had been hired for the occasion would be left vacant.

  59. Soon the sleigh stumbled over the snow hillocks once more into the smooth course, and now they went impetuously towards the inn near the Haff, where a numerous circle of people was assembled.

  60. All at once, as if fatigued, he began to push the chair-sleigh more slowly.

  61. Olga uttered a cry of alarm, but only raised herself up in the sleigh to see in what territory she had arrived.

  62. Olga, to whom the adventure began to appear serious, because in his sound senses a sleigh conductor could hardly wander from the proper course.

  63. So closely was the sleigh packed, in fact, that the driver could not be seated.

  64. The sturdy and hardy farmer stood on a little semicircular step in the rear of the sleigh, his body protected by the high sleigh back against the sharp icy blasts.

  65. Having lived in a region of snow, with the thermometer down to twenty degrees below zero, I had no fears of winds and drifts, so I said, "Get the sleigh ready and I will try it.

  66. What kind of a rig, I mean wagon or sleigh or whatever it was, did they have?

  67. Seated in the sleigh were three men whom the assembly speedily recognized as members of the freshman class, and their own fears for a moment doubtless caused the sophomores to magnify the numbers as well as the danger.

  68. But the horse and sleigh were gone, and not a trace remained to show in which direction they had departed.

  69. He was positive that one was Mott, but his greatest surprise came when he perceived a horse and sleigh in the barnyard which he instantly recognized as the very ones with which Foster and his two classmates had gone to Coventry Center.

  70. They could see that the driver in the sleigh was Foster, and he had leaped out and was now as calmly tying his horse and fastening the blanket upon it as if never a thought of his rival class had entered his mind.

  71. To the delight of each of the girls, the invitation which they felt obliged to decline was changed to one for the week-end, so when they waved good-bye from the sleigh on their way to the station, it was with the prospect of a speedy return.

  72. Phil was at the station to meet them with a sleigh and a team of spirited black horses.

  73. That Eugenia regarded their coming as a great event, they felt from the moment the sleigh drew up to the house.

  74. As Ben closed, a sound of sleigh-bells came up the road, and Lund opened the door, at which appeared a light sleigh driven by one of Risk's sons.

  75. Good night, captain, you old croaker;" and the sleigh disappeared in the shadows of the forest-covered lane which led to the beach.

  76. At noon that day Cherokee had dashed into town with his new sleigh piled high with bundles and boxes and bales of all sizes and shapes.

  77. Cherokee drove his sleigh to the door, and they lifted Bobby in beside him.

  78. And they make marks in the soot in the chimney with the tongs to look like Santa's sleigh tracks.

  79. But you and I know that they are in the reindeer sleigh with Santa Claus.

  80. Get the stuff out of the sleigh first and hide it near the Hall in the snow," answered Dick.

  81. A runner of each turnout was smashed, and the occupants of the other sleigh came tumbling in upon the lads in great confusion.

  82. We're in for a sleigh ride before we go back," said Sam.

  83. An hour had gone by, and they were wondering if they were anywhere near Cedarville, when a wild shout rang out, and the next instant came a crash, as their sleigh collided with another coming from the opposite direction.

  84. Sam uttered the words as he leaped from the sleigh and ran for the main entrance, where Captain Putnam stood to receive them.

  85. Best kind of sleighing now," said the hired man, and drove around the biggest sleigh on the place.

  86. Larry, and with a crack of the whip the sleigh started.

  87. It was after midnight, and after a bumpy ride, that the two women descended from the sleigh and tumbled up the stairs that led to a wide veranda.

  88. As if, even in these motorful days, a Zenith girl couldn't hitch an old nag to a sleigh and drive a few rods.

  89. And then the sleigh went round a bend in the road.

  90. He swayed a trifle, and seized the edge of the sleigh for support.

  91. Clancy picked herself out of a snow-drift on the right-hand side as the horse and sleigh careened round another turn.

  92. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sleigh" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    blade; coast; flit; flow; fly; glide; glissade; runner; sail; skate; skid; skim; sled; sleigh; slide; slip; slither; sweep; weasel