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Example sentences for "orange"

Lexicographically close words:
oracular; oral; orally; oram; orang; orangeade; oranges; orangs; oras; orate
  1. When the English Treasury was shut to the entreaties of Coligny or William of Orange the London citizens untied their purse-strings.

  2. The Prince of Orange was making a noble fight; but all went ill with him.

  3. By sea alone the Prince of Orange still continued the unequal struggle; but if he was to maintain himself as a sea power anywhere, he required a harbour of his own in his own country.

  4. The small information which he had of anything did not go beyond his orange gardens and his tunny fishing.

  5. The death of the Prince of Orange left the States without a Government.

  6. Even Cecil said so, and sent the Prince of Orange word that it would be stopped in some way.

  7. Pulled white body with one broad red and two narrow orange stripes.

  8. The light reflected is blue, the light transmitted is orange or red, A marked distinction is thus exhibited between reflection from the sky and that from an ordinary cloud, which exercises no such dichroitic action.

  9. The transmitted light under such circumstances must pass from yellow through orange to red.

  10. Green and orange are in harmony with a complexion like mine," she said, turning to Mattie, and waiting for a reply.

  11. Save for the orange grove at the left and the ash-colored leaves of the silver wattle above them, Weldon could almost have fancied himself in England.

  12. For full three months now, the greater number of the troopers had been dodging up and down over the surface of the Orange River Colony on the heels of the tireless De Wet.

  13. To this end, the Orange River Colony had been marked off into sections by the rows of blockhouses strung upon barbed wire.

  14. Because they are to operate in the Orange River country, and because they would have me.

  15. Enamel paint of a bright color, red, green, yellow, blue or orange was smeared on the snake to gain information regarding the time of molt.

  16. The chiggers are conspicuous because of their bright orange color.

  17. She was a superb specimen of a fat girl, and in a glow of orange ribbons and red hair she commanded admiration.

  18. Surrounding these springs are several smaller pools, one a rich orange color, another light brown, and a third brown of a much darker hue.

  19. Orange and lemon trees, amid a profusion of tropical foliage, are thus made to wave their fragrant branches in the face of Alpine snows.

  20. The elder wore a long straight sword whose weather-dimmed orange sash showed at the front of a loose cut-away jacket.

  21. During the period it was at Orange River the regiment was occupied watching the river from Hopetoun on the west to Zoutpans on the east; also in patrolling the railway line to the north.

  22. Headquarters, with B and C Squadrons, marched from Marks Drift to Orange River Station.

  23. To-morrow we are again reviewed, for the fourth time since we landed, by the Earl of Uxbridge, who commands the English cavalry, and on Wednesday this regiment will be inspected by the Prince of Orange and a Prussian General.

  24. The regiment entrained at Cape Town for Orange River, arriving there on 14th.

  25. The Inniskillings, with still some remaining traces in their corps of the old warlike Orange enthusiasm, were eager, fiery, impetuous.

  26. These were the vanguard of the Orange army, and they proceeded to appropriate the first and best seats they could lay their hands upon.

  27. Mr. Dunbar Barton, one of the Orange lawyers, had spoken of himself as likely to spend the remainder of his days in penal servitude.

  28. This was the music to which the Orange Colonel had to listen through the long hours that stretched between his early morning arrival and midnight.

  29. The country now became delightful, cultivated, everywhere, with orange groves and gardens.

  30. There they camped in orange groves, being re-joined in the evening by the remainder of the Brigade, who had taken part in the "show".

  31. He says:-- "The sun was just setting as we approached Jerusalem, and the ancient walls of the Holy City were bathed in orange light against an opalescent sky.

  32. It is impossible to imagine a more beautiful sight than that which Damascus presented from this spot, with its white minarets shining in the sunlight, above the orange groves, vineyards and orchards which surround it.

  33. An apple or an orange is round enough to get itself called round, and yet is not round after all.

  34. The earth itself is shaped like an orange in order to lure some simple astronomer into calling it a globe.

  35. A gentleman present, who had a narrow escape, assured the writer that a rebel said he would try the taste of orange blood, and that he dipped a tooth-pick in the wound of one of the Protestants who was shot and put it into his mouth.

  36. The color of the incisors changes from white to yellowish-orange as in the adults.

  37. On the face of it there was no very evident reason why the torpedoing of a German ship flying the Norwegian flag should remind Esdaile of orange curacao, but no doubt there was a story behind that we others knew nothing of.

  38. Philip carried in his hand the jar of orange curacao.

  39. In the other, arrestively out of place in the spring sunshine, its flame a dingy orange and its little spiral of greasy smoke fouling the air, he held a lighted candle in a flat tin stick.

  40. And he lighted and put into Audrey's hand the same candle he had himself used when he had gone down into the cellar to fetch the orange curacao.

  41. It is now used as a William of Orange Museum.

  42. The purplish red of the sandstone at the base is finely modulated, through a pale pink in the second storey, to a dark orange at the summit, which harmonizes with the blue of an Indian sky.

  43. When the sun is lowest in both cases the colour is deep red; this gradually changes through orange to gold and brilliant yellow as the sun approaches the horizon.

  44. The Prinsenhof, previously a monastery, was converted into a residence for the counts of Orange in 1575; it was here that William the Silent was assassinated.

  45. Around some of the houses were planted mango and orange trees, but there was a general air of dilapidation and decay, and not a single sign of industry or progress visible.

  46. They also build their pendent nests in the orange and lime trees, and it is not always safe to gather the fruit.

  47. There were a few orange trees about some of the huts, but most of the people were Mestizes, or half-breeds, and nothing but weeds grew around their habitations.

  48. This beauty arises from its peculiar markings, especially from the large patch of rich orange colour upon the breast.

  49. It is not now met with to the south of the Great Orange River.

  50. He wore a back and breast over a green doublet, and had an orange feather in his cap and an orange-lined cloak on his shoulder.

  51. But in vain, because all the while the orange sachet lay whole and unopened in my pocket.

  52. It came of my fingers resting in my pocket on the fragments of the orange sachet, which, without having any particular design in my mind, I had taken care to bring with me.

  53. The blues appear to have been the same, but the cloth, otherwise in good condition, is so badly faded that the photograph does not reveal the stripes in the blue-orange section (pl.

  54. The orange hue of the western horizon remains till ten o'clock, at least, and how much later I am unable to say.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "orange" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    berry; ebony; fruit; oak; orange; peach; tree

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    orange blossoms; orange color; orange flower; orange flowers; orange grove; orange juice; orange peel; orange trees