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Example sentences for "mao"

Lexicographically close words:
many; manye; manys; manzanilla; manzanita; map; mapa; maple; maples; mappe
  1. Two hundred and twenty-eight," was the reply; and then the king inquired who had been deputed to carry it out; whereupon he was informed that the generals Mao and Nan had been appointed to do the work.

  2. Accordingly the landlord got up early, and took especial note of all guests who came from the eastward, until at last Mao himself arrived.

  3. General Mao has come," cried the boatmen, in great alarm; and they and all the passengers on board fell down on their faces.

  4. His Excellency the Grand Secretary Mao came from an obscure family in the district of Yeh, his father being only a poor cow-herd.

  5. She proved an excellent wife, and lived in harmony with her husband; but she was troubled with a disease of the hair, which caused Mr. Mao some annoyance.

  6. Soon after Mao took his bachelor's degree, and then set off to present himself as a candidate for the master's degree.

  7. The younger sister readily agreed, saying that had they told her to marry a beggar she would not have dared to refuse, and that she had not such a low opinion of Mr. Mao as all that.

  8. In great astonishment, Mao asked what he meant by these words; and then he learnt that after his departure the landlord had had a second dream informing him of the above facts.

  9. The father ran out and said his daughter wasn't quite ready, begging Mao to wait a little longer; and then hurried back again to the bride.

  10. So she bade the novice take them back; and when Mao and his wife saw her return, they suspected what had happened, and opening the parcel found the money still there.

  11. Just then her husband died and left her destitute; and about the same time Mao took his doctor's degree, which so aggravated her feelings that, in a passion, she became a nun.

  12. Her father managed to detain Mao awhile, and went in to urge his daughter to make haste, she weeping bitterly as if she did not hear what he was saying.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mao" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.