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Example sentences for "monotony"

Lexicographically close words:
monotheistic; monotheists; monotone; monotonous; monotonously; monotremes; monotypic; monovalent; monoxide; monsignori
  1. After all," he reflected, "there may be nothing more to cope with than the dreary monotony of snowbound days, and nights when the frost bites to the bone.

  2. Monotony probably destroys more people than any one form of dissipation.

  3. And if ever there was a country, the monotony of whose life could subdue all to its own leaden tone, it was Holland in old days.

  4. It was a great incident in the quiet monotony of my life, when I set out one morning, arrayed in a full suit of coarse, glossy black, with buttons like small saucers, and a hat whose brim almost protected my shoulders.

  5. The monotony of this last, and the ceaseless effort to advance, threw me into a kind of dreamy state, wherein mere mechanical effort remained.

  6. Only two elements broke the monotony of these self-sufficing agricultural communities.

  7. I stayed around the ranch a few weeks until I tired of the monotony of those daily rides, and even Billy could not hold me.

  8. The return trip lasted ten days and the monotony of it soon palled upon me.

  9. From Stonehaven we passed without special incident to Montrose, following an excellent but rather uninteresting road, though an occasional fishing-village and frequent view of the ocean broke the monotony of the flying miles.

  10. The monotony of our previous day's travel was forgotten in lively anticipation as we proceeded at what seemed a snail's pace over the fine road leading from Penrith to Carlisle.

  11. The bare monotony of the place was relieved not a little by the flowers which crowded closely around it.

  12. No plot of shrubbery or flower-garden broke the gray monotony of the place.

  13. Its aim was accurate, and the next moment the monotony of the placid surface was broken by the elastically widening circles above the spot where the frog jumped in.

  14. Sometimes from the hard benches a weary tow-headed brat might rejoice to mark in the monotony the frisking of a squirrel on a bough hard by, or a woodpecker solemnly tapping.

  15. Brought from the calm monotony of their inner life into this supreme crisis of his, they were struck aghast by the hardly comprehended situations of his spiritual drama enacted before them.

  16. Nothing occurred for the next two months to break the monotony of life in an Indian cantonment.

  17. But as time went by, and week succeeded week, without a shot being fired to relieve the monotony of our lives, the work became irksome in the extreme.

  18. No father, no brother, was there to break in upon the gentle monotony of the daily round with impetuosity, with rudeness, with careless laughter and wafts of freedom from the outside world.

  19. The honour of serving her obliterated a thousand inconveniences--the monotony of a court existence, the fatigue of standing, the necessity for a superhuman attentiveness to the minutia: of time and space.

  20. The "Tower Bridge," close by in the town of Loos, was the one high landmark which broke the monotony of this desolation.

  21. It broke the monotony of exile and made them forget the evil side of war.

  22. I had an uncontrollable distaste for the monotony of daily work, repeated in the same environment, surrounded by the same scenery .

  23. Under the delusive cover of etymological recreation the dry monotony of the study soon became irksome, and I was quite pleased when this etymological pastime led me to the investigation of the-- 6.

  24. She was getting tired of the boring monotony of her present life.

  25. In spite of a certain monotony in his flesh painting, I greatly admire his miniatures, which are marked by refinement, whilst the composition is graceful and sometimes dignified.

  26. Dusenberry, presented a pleasant relief after the monotony of the great pine forests.

  27. This dull monotony was broken by the entrance of a young negro who, having made a passage in a sloop to Charleston through Bull's Bay, was looked upon as a great traveller, and to him were referred disputes upon nautical matters.

  28. The marshy shores of the Kills were submerged in places by the high tide, but their monotony was relieved by the farms upon the hills back of the flats.

  29. Life is humdrum only in so far as it is meaningless; men can endure any amount drudgery and monotony provided that it lead somewhere, that they perceive its relation to a larger unity which is the total of life.

  30. I suppose it is the surfeit of excitement that I had in my youth that has made a life of quiet monotony so extremely agreeable to me; it is like stillness after loud noise, twilight after glare, rest after labour.

  31. But, either there was a smouldering fire within him that consumed his vital energy, or the monotony that would have dragged itself with benumbing effect over a mind differently situated was no monotony to Clifford.

  32. He was probably accustomed to a sad monotony of life, not so much flowing in a stream, however sluggish, as stagnating in a pool around his feet.

  33. They are all waiting for something; and they vary the monotony of a life they make wilfully dull beyond words, by waging war with the dak-bungalow khansama.

  34. We have resigned ourselves to the infinite monotony of a twenty days' voyage.

  35. Their monotony of splendour makes my head ache.

  36. The first stage of mountain climbing in these parts is decidedly tiresome; the forest is so thick one can see little else besides, and there is a monotony in the operation that would be unendurable were it not for the end in view.

  37. How we longed for day-light, that the monotony of this night excursion might be broken by the sight of the grand scenery which, though surrounding, was almost invisible to us!

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "monotony" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.