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Example sentences for "other districts"

  • Then, it was no uncommon thing for the inhabitants of this, as of other districts, to go a long distance to be present at some sporting event.

  • In framing their policy with respect to transactions in acceptances, federal reserve banks will have to consider not only the local demands to be expected from their own members, but also requirements to be met in other districts.

  • Others formed of slate are of frequent occurrence in the Portpatrick parish, Wigtonshire, and are not unknown in other districts.

  • In the Shetland and Orkney islands especially stone knives are common, and in other districts knives of flint, though not of the northern lunar shape, are often met with.

  • These, with still heavier and more vexatious duties and exactions, were levied on trade in other districts of the island.

  • It is also cultivated for this purpose in considerable tracts at Júpara and Pasúruan, and partially in other districts of the eastern provinces, where mills are established for expressing it.

  • It cannot be too strongly asserted that the great majority of the young people of the Hutt Valley are as healthy-minded and as well behaved as those in other districts, whether in New Zealand or elsewhere.

  • Cases in Other Districts= It cannot be supposed that sexual misbehaviour was confined to the Hutt district.

  • Do you think it prevails to a larger extent here than in other districts of the country?

  • And more on an average than in other districts in Shetland?

  • And yet, in the matter of health, and protection from infection, all classes from the highest to the lowest had equal interest; for disease commencing or raging in one district is not long in spreading to other districts.

  • In other districts of London considerable numbers of small houses were removed, and large blocks of artizans' dwellings erected in their stead.

  • The reader will find references to other works on the Glacial Geology of other districts by consulting the general works referred to on the preceding page.

  • But notwithstanding the existence of this fruitful source of crime, the Borders compare not unfavourably with other districts.

  • In other districts, we find extensive masses of black forest, but not the mixture of sunny glade, and various foliage, and dewy sward, which we meet with in the richer park districts of England.

  • Often a ruler, by fostering art, has drawn to his capital artists and artisans from other districts.

  • One pattern, however, based upon the treatment of the pear design, which is employed in many of these pieces, at once distinguishes them from rugs of other districts.

  • The field is generally covered with a number of concentric hexagonal-shaped medallions, of which the longer sides of the largest are often marked with conspicuous indentations such as are not seen in classes made in other districts.

  • At the present time very few piled rugs are woven there and they are rarely seen in Western markets; yet on account of the historic interest in its people, the name is sometimes applied to modern products made in other districts.

  • On the 2nd of August, the feast of St Elias, a general insurrection broke out in the Monastir vilayet, followed by sporadic revolts in other districts.

  • In Alsace-Lorraine about half of those entitled to vote appear at the polls; but in other districts of Germany very little interest is shown in the elections to the parish councils.

  • In other districts it is called Puhipuhi and Ngerengere.

  • It was like appropriation of nkele in other districts, only the appropriation was more complete, inasmuch as the labour expended on the property had been more severe.

  • The property of Notho consists of taro beds, cocoanuts and fish-ponds, and the rent therefore differs slightly from that paid in other districts.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "other districts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    about what; control herself; food chopper; other birds; other business; other castes; other causes; other circumstances; other continents; other creatures; other grounds; other like; other minds; other passages; other planets; other powers; other purpose; other reasons; other respects; other societies; other substances; other things being equal; other towns; other villages; other young; others have