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Example sentences for "pass them"

  • Then, if they choose to shorten my days or make me pass them in a prison, it is but little they can take away and little they can inflict.

  • It is impossible to pass them; and I don't know what to do.

  • But the party will never let me pass them; and, if I traverse the hills with all these men, we shall be discovered.

  • He said I had a hand in passing them, in his opening speech, that I was in the convention and helped to pass them.

  • It was bounded on the inside by a stone balustrade, in which columns were placed at certain intervals, bearing inscriptions forbidding the Gentiles to pass them.

  • But I pass them, and say, If you can shew me the Christian, that in the primitive times remained dark about it, I will shew you the Christian that was received without it.

  • TRIM the chops neat as above, pass them with a bit of fresh butter, chopped eschallots, pepper, salt, and a little lemon juice.

  • Pass them in sweet herbs, eschallots, pepper, salt, and lemon juice.

  • Pass them through a sieve to free them from lumps.

  • Have ready some tomatoes which have been stewed very dry; pass them through a sieve to take out the seeds.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pass them" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    adequate idea; east part; extensive practice; free access; inanimate objects; little surprise; pass after; pass laws; pass them; pass upon; passage from; passed away; passed close; passed several; passed the; passenger train; passengers were; passes over; passes through; passing the; passing vessel; passionate love; passionately fond; passive obedience; passive voice; strictly forbidden