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Example sentences for "pellucid"

Lexicographically close words:
pellets; pellibus; pellicle; pellicles; pellmell; pellucida; pelo; peloric; pelota; peloton
  1. They could have found water in the road, for there was a pellucid spring only a few yards distant from the house, as they were well aware--but they wanted not water; what should I have given them?

  2. A tiny runlet as they last looked upon it--a mere brook, pellucid and sparkling as the sand on its bed.

  3. Moreover, the pellucid atmosphere of the Staked Plain makes objects visible at double the ordinary distance.

  4. Here was a rude flounce into the pellucid sentimentality of his sad attachment to Sue.

  5. Meanwhile the girl had joined her companions, and she silently resumed her flicking and sousing of the chitterlings in the pellucid stream.

  6. The sea, within the reef, was like a tideless river, from whose pellucid depths, where the coral spread its wilderness of branches, an unearthly radiance was reflected.

  7. The pellucid jellylike substance, called the sea-nettle is found in great abundance along the strad where it has been thrown up by the waves and tide.

  8. The pellucid jelly like Substance, called the Sea nettle I found in great abundance along the Strand where it has been thrown up by the waves and tide, and adheres to the Sand.

  9. It pours forth in a pellucid flood of sound, and always produces the impression that there is more yet, amply more, to meet all the demands of the singer.

  10. Illustration: 0139] But, as a matter of fact, there is a deep and pellucid well of enterprise in the centre of commercial circles in Mallingham, and it only wants an occasional stir to irrigate the dead levels of the town.

  11. It is this steadfastness of purpose and sweet reasonableness in the hero which gives to the narrative of the Odyssey its smooth and pellucid flow, and makes it the most delightful of all story-books.

  12. Excepting a very near and more powerful cousin which inhabits the seashore and pellucid streams of California, the above species is the sole representative of its family in the United States.

  13. In their pellucid depth the cliffs and the hills and the trees trace their images, and the beautiful region speaks to the heart, teaching affection for nature.

  14. How few out of many millions have studied that subtle mechanism of ear and thought which created the melodious ripple of these fluent and pellucid words.

  15. Do you suppose, keen sir, that I am not quite self-conscious of their shallowness, utter contempt of subordination and selection, their empty reasoning and pellucid vanity?

  16. The 1845 fragment falls, of course, far short of its sequel in imaginative audacity and splendour, but it is steeped in a pellucid beauty which Browning's busy intellectuality was too prone to dissipate.

  17. Plants with a resinous juice, dotted with pellucid or dark glands, usually smooth.

  18. Scotia, distinguished by a broad pellucid median line in both lobes.

  19. Euripides described his countrymen as "forever delicately tripping through the pellucid air," and so their modern descendants trip to this day.

  20. Its insect size consists almost entirely of a pellucid abdomen, crossed with a number of transverse ridges.

  21. He stood and saw the ripples roll Pellucid o’er a pebbly shoal.

  22. The particles, while thus dry, could not be squeezed so as to form pellucid ice, which is so easily obtained when the compressed mass is at a temperature of 32 deg.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pellucid" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.